Renee's Dogs... Actually Dirty


New member
Last summer I took Louis up to visit with Renee and her gang. The boys (Louis and Zakai) were shipped together, so it was a lot of fun to see them reunited. However, the best part of the trip was seeing exactly how much mud they could find to roll in.

Since Renee is so good about making you all feel bad that your dogs aren't impecably groomed, I dug these photos up and thought I'd share... Here they are, in all their muddy glory.

Louis (left) and Zakai (right)

What comes before mud? Water!
Zakai (left) and Louis (right)

Mandea too dignified to play in the mud with the boys.

The mud boys.
Zakai (top left), Louis (top right) and Kosmo (laying down)

And the best of the best... Kosmo, in all his mud covered glory.

DreamTime Newfs

New member
SEE!!! I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We will not mention that we bathed them all about 2 hours after this photo shoot.:fce32f95:


New member
Ok now that is dirty. I believe I saw that second shot on a program about grizzlies on Animal Planet last week...


New member
Coral, thank you. I feel much better now.

But the question is.........have they ever been dirty since then??? Why do I think NOT??? :roflmao:


New member
I'm sorry.. when you're fabulous you're fabulous.. even when having a bad hair day... and Renee's dogs are fabulous darling :D

Sue M.

New member
Funny thing is... they look just as good dirty!!! El Naturel!!!!

There's no masking the dignified newfs under the mud & dirt!


New member
They're all still beautiful mud and all. For some reason mine sure doesn't look like that when muddy!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
I love dirty puppies! you can tell they are getting exercise and they are happy! its like little kids with dirty piggin's (toes)


New member
There's something called Photo Shop, you know! I'm still suspicious!:run:
HA! Thats what I was thinking....just as easy to add mud to a picture as it is to take it away....
but, they might even be cuter dirty! I love that crew!