Remi passed TDI


Inactive Member
I am so proud of my wildman. I knew Jeannie had good advice "A tired dog is a good dog" but how to walk him before our 6:30 evaluation when it is 85 degrees outside.

We went to Petsmart and walked around and around until he was tired. That is not easy there because everyone wants to visit. Then we got to the place 30 minutes early and walked back and forth outside in the shade. And then I prayed.

I had to hold his collar for the Accepting A Friendly Stranger because he wanted to break the sit and love all over the man, but I knew it was coming and somehow (maybe the walk took the edge off) he did it.

They did tell me after he passed to keep working on the meet and greet because he is so exhuberant and friendly! Duh, he's a newf! They also complimented me on how clean he was and how when they hugged him he hardly shed on them! Little did they know I had been brushing undercoat off of him all morning. I think that also helped to wear him out. I have my picture of us for our badge on an email if I could figure out how to post it. Darby, proud mama


New member
Wahoo! Congratulations! Good Boy Remi, for coming through and carrying your mom through the test!


New member
That's awesome!! Good idea to tire them out before they go to the test! Now he'll bring lots of joy to lots of people!


Congratulations, I know just how hard it is taking a bubbly Newf through the meet and greet at the test! Great job!


Inactive Member
One of the helpers there said Remi reminded her of Elmer Fudd ,she said I know he's smart because of what he did tonight but you can tell that he's ready to break into that" Gee Mom I wuv you and I wuv all of dem and can I play wif the neutral doggie over there and den can I eat de food I just walked by and den can I kiss everybody and lick um good wif my magical slobber"

She was hilarious doing Remi imitations. I am starting the Paws For Reading training on Saturday because they think the kids will really like Elmer (I mean Remi)

KS Newf

New member
That is wonderful! Congrats!! Remi will be great in the Paws for Reading program, and the Elmer Fudd deal is hilarious!!


New member
Congrats on the TDI!!
Varg got his CGC at 9 months, and he is a member of the Sunshine Therapy Dog! We'll be working on getting his Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dog cert. next! Give your fur kids a hug from us! Keep up the GREAT job! Marla and Varg