Questions about raw feeding


New member
So I've been researching and reading up on raw feeding, including reading the book that you guys suggested. I still have some basic questions, but I don't know anyone who actually does this to ask.

Would anyone here who feeds raw be willing to have a chat over the phone? If so, could you please PM me?

Also, my husband is concerned about the possible spread of bacteria from Maggie's drool after she eats?? He wants an answer on this before he even considers raw. He's picturing her running around the house drooling raw chicken juice all over everyone! :tequila:

I didn't think it would be a problem, but then I was reading the website on the local group who runs the READ program, and they won't allow dogs who are fed raw to participate?? I am wondering why....

Also, does anyone have any experience with feeding cats a raw diet? It seems that if I'm going to do it for Maggie, it would make sense to feed everyone the same thing.

Thanks in advance.


New member
I think Pipelineozzy feeds raw.

One reason: camphylobacter in lots of raw poultry.

Personally, I'd never feed raw because the knowledge base to do so correctly is extremely broad. Never in a growing giant pup for sure...too much to screw up with balancing minerals and nutrients that can cause life long negative health consequences.


New member
I feed raw and wouldn't mind helping out. We have been aw feeding around 7,5yrs.
Moved on saturday so only on phone internet at the moment (and living in the uk so don't know if you'd be willing to spend a fortune calling) but once i get the internet sorted would be willing to help answer any questions you might have. There are also some rew fedinggroups on yahoo and holistic newfs group on fb who might be able to answer any questions you have.


Active member
mine eat a mix of raw meals plus dried , obviously not both at the same time.

look on yahoo and facebook has some raw feeding groups if my memory serves me correctly.

mine have loads of raw bones chicken and lamb carcasses and their teeth and stomachs plus poops are great. I have never caught a cross infection though obviously all meat carries risks of ecoli, salmonella and other bacter strains though we wipe their mouths occasionally only.

You probably have as many risks catching something from poop cleaning though I always keep antibacerial hand wipes around just in case


New member
I don't but I'd love to. Somehow I could not get my head around it with small kids in the house, though I know people do without problems. I knew I'd be too stressed about it.


New member
Been feeding raw for quite a few years now. My Emily was still very young when I started. I have never had a problem with bacteria or any illness coming from raw feeding. I've only had positive results.
Go to facebook and join the page THE HOLISTIC NEWFOUNDLAND DOG. Extremely knowledgeable people there to answer any question you may have. I'm sure there are cat owners on that page and they feed raw too.


New member
I have been feeding raw for 15 yrs plus- some of the accommodations I have made to keep the rest of the family at ease (and to make life easier for all) include:
1. We made a "dog room" in the garage where they have their own fridge and freezer and countertop for prep - all raw meat for dogs goes there and is prepped and fed there.
2. Dogs all eat in crates and stay in their crates until they are done licking off their feet, etc. after a meal - no dribbling all over the house.
3. When I am not going to be available to make dinners I pre-make meals and freeze in zip-loc bags so all anyone has to do is put the contents into a bowl and give it to the dog- no measuring or mixing for anyone but me.
4. I found a local source (mobile butcher) for ground meat that is reasonably priced and he discounts if I buy in bulk, so overall the diet works out as less expensive than a decent brand of kibble (I pay 79¢/lb for ground and 54¢/lb for bones)

R Taft

Active member
I have been feeding RAW since the eighties, except for the few kibble days they have when we travel...We have never had any infections in any of ours or us.We never seem to have any poop issues like so many seem to have. I cannot remeber when we had a runny poop issue last...We have only had one Bloat scare, which they seem to think was due to post operative pain. So I will always reccomend RAW. Mine is very similar to the Watercubs (Capri/Bettina) system.I do not feed mine seperate, just in the kitchen, always have. I think you are more likely to catch bugs from people who serve you in shops and do not wash their hands or are just un-clean (coughing/sneezing etc) I think we just need to be clean and treat their food like we would our own. So buy high quality food that you could eat yourself (if you ate offal and such :) ) ANy meat we use comes form our own kills or clean butchers..we never buy the cheap food scraped off the floor, If you know what I mean..Ron


New member
Thanks everyone. I appreciate all the offers to talk too! I'll be reaching out soon. I'll also join the facebook group and keep reading up!