Puppy Water Training


New member
Tigger's first Water Training is Sunday, and of course 11 June is North Central's Water Workshop, so that's a double training weekend.

Just for starting we were thinking of just bumper work, and trying to get the idea across of swimmin with a line, sorta fun things.

Any other ideas?


New member
Just for starts, I would make everything fun for her. You want her to become very confident in the water. Have her swim to you and then to another person. If she wants to get her bumper....great. If she can swim and carry something great! But I wouldn't worry about that. You want to make this a very positive experience for her. Lots of treats and keep it short. She's still a baby.

Have fun and we want to see lots of pictures!!!!


New member
OK Sue, we were bringing her mainly for fun, but wanted to try some training. She's a little stroker, and has been swimming a few times since 6 weeks. We want to maily biuld up some stamina, and with making it fun start a little training. Judy is going to woirk with Tigger, while I'm working on WRD with Ethel. Yes pictures are in the plan, I'd get the what-for from everyone if I didn't! LOL! Hope your lil rascal has fun in the water too.


New member
Make everything fun. Work on swimming. Work on retrieving, start with bumper, then child's life jacket, then cushion. Work on take a line out to strangers. Play back and forth swim games taking practice line back and forth between people. Work on getting used to boat. Do some short boat rides out and back, with Tigger and Judy on platform.

We had a young puppy last year in our training group who gained her WD at 8 mos old.
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New member
She can swim to me, but I'm not making any promises you'll get back !!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY by the way !!!
Didn't Joan have little life vest or oars last year? That would be cute if she retrieved them!
Just having her swim and interact with all the other pups should be fun for her alone.
If I think of anything else I'll let you know.