Pseudomonas Aeruginosa


New member
Murphy was just diagnosed with this. He's been battling an ear infection for the last couple months. He's been on several medications, none of which have worked.
The vet just put him on Metronidazole. He takes 3 500mg tablets twice a day. I'm waiting for the ear drops which should be ready for him early next week.
His ear looks much better already. I'm not getting nearly as much gook out of his ear as I was before he started the new antibiotic.
I've never used Metronidazole before, and everything I've read seems to be for tummy issues. Any side effects I should watch for?


New member
Take a look at my earlier posts on this. We just went through it.

Oral antibiotics are typically not effective for this in the ear. The standard course of treatment is topical.

If you haven't already, you need to have the testing done to see what antibiotics are effective. For Maggie's, it was resistant to all topicals except one that is made in eye-drops. So thats what we used and it worked well.

Don't skip ANY treatments and make sure you use whatever is prescribed as long as your vet tells you, even after its clear. It's very stubborn and you don't want it to come back.

There are a few other posts on this if you do a search.

Good luck!!!

Edit: Forgot to answer your real question! Maggie has been on the metro. several times for tummy problems with no ill effects.
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New member
Thanks Brandie!
I've had 3 different ear drops and 2 antibiotics, and nothing has worked. They sent a culture last week to the lab, and we just got the results back today. The vet said he'll have the drops ready by next Tuesday. His ear seems to be much better since he started the new antibiotics, so hopefully after we start the new drops, we can get his poor ear cleared up.


New member
Do you know if this is contagious?
I'm not sure its easy for someone else to be infected as a healthy immune system most likely fights it on the skin. However, its a very nasty bacteria and can definitely be transmitted to others, especially through cuts and open wounds. Our vet told us to wear gloves when cleaning her ears until she was clear and to wash up after. If you had a cut on your hand it could get in there. As a precaution we also kept her home from daycare until she got the "all clear" - I'm sure other dogs wouldn't be licking goo from her ears, but who knows! I also didn't let strangers rub her ears while she was being treated, just in case.

Also, be sure to carefully clean the tip of the medicine dropper with alcohol between each ear and before capping it. You don't want to move bacteria from one ear to the other.


New member
Thanks. I was asking because I walk with my girlfriend and her newf almost every night. My girlfriend said her dog was rubbing at her ears, so I just wanted to make sure I didn't infect her.


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Would the "BLUE EAR TREATMENT" work in a case like this....had another dog with chronic ear infections....nothing cleared it up for long before it was coming back, until i was turned on to this by a more pro lems after following it to the tee.


New member
I'm not sure, but I've heard nothing but good stuff about it. I just picked up his new and hopefully final medication. The vet gave me Fluoctinlone and a vinegar mix. I need to put 1cc of each in his ear twice a day, every other day.
Then to top it off, I was pooper scooping yesterday before we were going to play in the yard, and I heard him yelp. I looked up and he was on the ground. He wasn't running, so I think he may have twisted it. He was limping all day yesterday, so I've been resting him today. He seems a little better. Our draft test is this weekend, but I plan on leaving him home to rest for the rest of the weekend. I told the vet I might be back on Monday!


New member
Shadoe was on Metro also for a explosive diarrhea that came on out of the blue, he did fine on it.
OH no, when it rains....hope the big guy feels.better real soon.