Photo Challenge 248: Let's see your Autumn/Halloween


New member
I figure before the snow really starts falling (in this part of the world anyway), we should say farewell to Autumn and Halloween. Every season offers something special to photograph and the Fall is my favourite of them all. Bright colours of the changing leaves and items like pumpkins, and goofy/scarry costumes are so much fun! Now the anticipation of Christmas starts.... I love this time of the year! What does your autumn look like where you are?

Here's mine:

Timber Rolling in dry leaves. Have you never done this? you don't know what your missing!

Timber is Picture perfect!

River posing on a carpet of leaves:


New member
Our leaves are all gone now, but this is what it looked like a few weeks ago. There were dark storm clouds behind the trees, and the sun was shining onto the tree tops, so it made quite a dramatic picture.

Here's another one, of the other part of the front yard.



New member
OMG...ALL the pics are BoundlessNewfs pics...your yard is gorgeous...wish I had that much space...also the kids with the dogs are priceless, so sweet...and Timber and River pics were just lovely! Great pics guys!


New member
Anne your kids and Newfs are wonderful! great costumes and great posing. Warms my heart to see them!


New member
Our leaves are all gone now, but this is what it looked like a few weeks ago. There were dark storm clouds behind the trees, and the sun was shining onto the tree tops, so it made quite a dramatic picture.

Here's another one, of the other part of the front yard.

I am SO jealous of your property!!! WOW!!!


New member
Hi All,
I thought I'd give it one more day, so the winner will be decided tomorrow evening...this is not going to be easy! Beautiful entries so far everyone, all frame-worthy.



New member
Hi All,
This was not easy. I love outdoor pics, and I'm pretty jealous Laurel and Karen of those views! I'm personally big on posing my Newf with pumpkins (love your pic too Wayne), I have 100's. However, the pics of the kids enjoying this time of year really speak to me. They are all precious and should all be winners but since there can only be one, it will have to be Anne's pics of her two dressed with matching Newfs - brilliant! The girls at work all thought so too!
Newflizzie you're up.
thanks all for participating. I enjoyed each and every moment shared.


New member
Well, thank you, everyone's pics were great! My kids (well, 2 of them, one won't play) love to plan themes! Give me a day or two to come up with the next contest, there have been so many great ones!