Partially Torn CCL (ACL?)

Halli's Mom

New member
SO, my Beautiful Brown Newf, Penny, had shoulder surgery about a month ago for mineralizations in the shoulder tendon, She was healing nicely, down to her last 2 PTs, when all of a sudden, on Sunday, she preferred sitting to standing, and was having trouble with her back end. Emergency vet said it was most likely a partially torn ACL, but inconclusive. Suggested complete rest for several days and pain killers. Scheduled appointment w/ Orthopedist on Friday. Since she was still in PT for the shoulder, the Neurologist and the Physical Therapist examined her on Tuesday and came to the same conclusion. Friday when we meet with the Orthopedist we will likely get a surgery date (and a definitive diagnosis). I'm reading online what I'm in for. OMG. Those who have gone through this...please share your stories. Sounds like I'm sleeping on my family room floor for the next three months..... I've pretty much been crying since I heard the news, so looking for some encouragement. Penny is 5 1/2.


New member
Halli.. you will get through this. many of us have gone before you and it does not make it any less painful.. but.. you can do it.. lean on those so willing to give their time and expertise.. I know I would have not survived without it. Let those who know how to help and I promise you it will be easier.


New member
When our 5 year old Lab ruptured his ACL (right rear leg) he didn't want to sit. He would stand & walk with no weight on the injured leg. He would lay down before he would sit. In fact post surgery and rehab he is still reluctant to sit.

mrs big dogs

New member
My Bentley has had 2 surgeries for torn ACL, usually they say if one side goes then the other side will go too, I am not saying this to scare you, I had to keep him quiet for the first 3 months, all things on the leash,short walks,than no running or stairs, I pretty much kept him quiet for 6 months, he did very well just do as the vet says and he will be ok.Good Luck