Orijen dog food


Inactive Member
Another chapter in the dog food search saga.
Last nite in the chat room Orijen dog food was mentioned, so of course this am I looked it up. It looks terrific, they sell it in Oregon, Washington, Florida & Georgia. I would have to have it shipped, but it looks worth the expense.
The link is:

Sue M.

New member
Eagle Pack dog food is good too. They have not been affected through out this whole tainted dog food ordeal and it is a quality dog food.

Of course it has to be ordered as well, although some stores will carry it. Here, we have a number of people who get it so we are able to buy it in bulk which saves us some money.

Here's the link:

Eagle Pack Dog Food

Just under the introduction paragraph Eagle Pack has information regarding the food recalls. It is a very informative read.

The Eagle Pack company also donates to the New Pen Del Newfoundland Rescue each year.

[ 04-24-2007, 05:54 AM: Message edited by: Sue M. ]


Inactive Member
Sandra, get the contact info and take it into a local pet food store/feed store. No one carried my food either, and I was buying it in Toronto and bringing it north in huge quantities. Finally, I stopped in at a feed store in the town south of us, and she was thrilled to bring it in for me. I have to order a week ahead of time, but it is no problem at all. See if someone will do the same for you.


New member
My two would bloat up like a balloon on that stuff. Had the same experience with Canidae and Timberwolf. Great food in theory, but just too much "stuff". Personally, given feeding experience with my Newfs, I'd steer clear of it. Looks like just another designer food on the market, that tries to pack "everything" that a dog would ever need in it's lifetime, and then some, into a daily diet. No animal, not even humans would "naturally" eat that way every day. Too many bells and whistles in that food. We eat a variety over weeks, even months, not every single day. I would rather go for simplicity, and add any extras, like alternative proteins, veggies, etc. fresh myself. If your dog has a reaction to it, how in the world would you be able to narrow down what is causing the problem. Also a bit high in Cal. and Phos. in the adult formula. Even the large puppy is high in Ca. and Phos. for a giant breed pup, as well as the protein. JMO, but I'd be very cautious if feeding to a pup. I know a lot of pet owners are scrambling to find food given the recent recalls, but if what you are feeding now works, and is not included in the recalls stick with it. Don't switch because it the "lastest, greatest" fad. Of course it's JMO.

[ 04-24-2007, 11:43 AM: Message edited by: Bluedog ]


Inactive Member
I have spoken to the Orijen people in Canada. They are in 4 states in the US, and looking to open up nation wide soon, looking for distributors in all states. I had my Orijen shipped from Fla., hopefully they will have things set up in Texas soon, the shipping costs are murder. In the middle of making the switch, so far so good, no grain at all in Orijen.