Oliver & the twins @ 2 1/2 months


New member
Hello all!
things have been pretty crazy around here so I haven't had much time on the computer but the twins are napping right now so I thought I'd add a few recent photos of the family. We're all doing well and adjusting to life with less sleep and more happiness. The twins are thriving and Oliver is being a good big brother. At first he seemed to be stressed out by their crying and would look worried like he needed to do something about it. Now I think he's just used to it and it doesn't bother him any more. He makes sure he sniffs and licks them both every day as a means of checking in on them. I think one of the best things we've managed to keep in the schedule is our daily walk as a family. It keeps everyone happy and maintains some regularity for Oliver.

I'm sure we'll be recreating this photo often throughout their lives

Oliver is joining the twins for a little tummy time.

A close up of the twins, Connor on the left, Molly on the right.


New member
Oh, your babies are absolutely beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing! My little guy had the same frog outfit...gotta love little baby bums!


New member
Oh wowser those twins are absolutely adorable! And snuggly with Oliver the Gentleman Nanny, perfect!

Cannot imagine how busy you are now so thank you for taking the time for this delightful update!


New member
Precious! Thanks for taking a stolen moment to share with us! The twins are beautiful and Oliver looks to be taking it all in stride!


New member
That first picture is priceless. You sure have your hands full but you also have a wonderful attitude towards life. Looking forward to seeing lots more pictures of your beautiful family.
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New member
Oh what sweetness on so many levels! Oliver is proving the reputation of newbies as Nannies! Beautiful beautiful babies!


New member
Your babies are adorable! They couldn't have a better body guard than Oliver. My niece is expecting twin boys next month. She already has a 3 yr old boy, so she is going to be one busy mom. Too bad she only has cats and is missing out on the joy of a Newf helping raise the babies. Please update us more often w/ your gorgeous twins.