Oliver -need advice


New member
Well Oliver will be 4 months old next week. He really is a good boy. But we are having an issue recently that when he wakes up between 4:30 -5:00 am to go potty I let him out then he comes back into the house and does not want to go back to bed. He just barks and barks and barks. He is up and wants to play. I tell him to go "night night" and it does not even faze him. In the past Lilly would wake up in the middle of the night and I would tell her "night night" and she would go to bed. Oliver was quite the pistol this morning. We put him back in the crate and he just has a complete fit. He was barking non stop for an hour and a half this morning. When I got up at 6:30 this am, I took him for a quick walk. I am not sure what to do at this point. Any advice would be appreciated.

PS-I'd love to post some pics of the boy but I can not figure out how to shrink the photos.


New member
Has the crate got a cover? If not, try draping a blanket over it to make it dark. He probably thinks that everyone should be up with the sun :D


New member
Had the same issue with my Dakota (17 weeks this week). She woke up at 4:55 AM and started to bark and didn't stop until we left at 7 a.m. (she goes to the "babysitters" during the day). I took her outside, took her for a walk, fed her, gave her toys, nothing worked. The next day was much better. This is what we had done differently. 1. She got a lot more exercise/play time the night before (which meant she slept later because she was worn out. 2. After she came back in after going potty I gave her some toys with treats inside to keep her busy. 3. After her morning meal we took her for a walk 4. She was allowed into the kitchen after she had gone to the bathroom outside (we are still house breaking her). She only barked just a tiny bit because we kept her busy. However, I can't wait to start her training to not bark at all (or at least less than now). Good Luck!


New member
I am sure he is just going through a puppy phase, and the blanket might help...at worst it will keep him busy chewing on it, at best, he'll go back to sleep. I like the treat toys too...keep the mind and mouth busy doing other things, maybe he'll pass out.


New member
This has got to be incredibly frustrating. Puppies getting grown up can be so totally taxing!! I would put him in the crate with several toys and just let him bark away.. .. it won't take too many days to get him the message that barking is NOT working.....

All the best.


New member
.....and if none of the great advice above works, I have one word of advice for you. Earplugs.

My "Oliver" detested the crate from day one and always threw non-stop fits.

R Taft

Active member
:lol: :lol: :lol: Dear Oliver......Are you my little brother? You tell your Mommy that I (Katy) never sleeps after 5 am. I want to up and go..............Only when I have been to dog training the night before, playing with some of the pups afterwards at 10 pm do I sleep-in till 7 am. Isn't my Mom lucky to have such a good alarm clock. Sometimes she cheats and gives me a bone to keep me quiet. But mostly my folks are up and about and I help to feed the horses and other stock. Annabelle can sleep in till 9am, but not me. She tried all the other stuff, but I am just an early riser :lol: Katy


New member
Thank you so much for the advise. As far as the crate goes he has been doing pretty well with it during the day. I decided this morning it was the crate or my ear. He likes to put his paws on the bed and start barking "Hey get up". Little turd!

Operation QUIET PUPPY will start tonight. I am going to wear his little bootie out with exercise tonight. As far as the morning goes, I am going to have some good chew stuff ready for him.


New member
Obie was a middle of the night .. then up at dawn dog from day one! Don't know where your crate is, but what worked for us was rearranging the furniture to get the crate right next to us in the bedroom. At least at that point he was willing to settle and nap with us.. until the first ray of sunshine, then it's on!


New member
I have absolutely no advise to give since my puppy has lost her mind, but did I see that someone is offering to puppy sit???? :whistling:


New member
I have this issue as well with Sully, except not AS early. However, I am a 'sleep in till dooms day' kinda person so it really irks me on the weekends when I don't have to get up for work!!
He NORMALLY will sleep until 6:30am... 7:00am a FEW RARE and lucky times. He does however, quite often, think that 5:45am or 6:00am is a good time to wake up. Like this morning. Honestly I just ignore his little fit in there and TRY to get in my extra 30-60mins of sleep. I KNOW he doesn't have to potty and can hold it until at least 630-7am. I learned - I would get up at 5:45/6:00am thinking since he is having such a fit in there he MUST have to go - wrong- he happily goes downstairs, digs through his toy box.. sniffs around the entire house to make sure no 'crumbs' that need hoovering appeared while everyone was in bed.. and will then settle himself quite comfortabley on our couch with a bully stick. He will only ask to go out maybe an hour later, sometimes longer :whistling:. Heaven forbid he chews on the bully stick IN his cage while mommy sleeps.. he refuses. If i try to put him back in with the stick he throws another fit. So when he decides it's time to wake up earlier than the usual time of 630-7am, i ignore ignore ignore. Now he will whine for maybe ten minutes, (instead of the straight 30mins or longer) then I hear an exasperated sigh and a thump and crashing of the cage as he throws himself down in defeat. But he will start whining again maybe 20mins later or make some unhappy grumbles here and there just so I know how unhappy he is. So just stick with the ignoring.. it does slowly get better I have to say.. though there is no way in heck I can sleep in past 7am. Do they ever start to sleep in longer? I am hoping so!! My mom's shih tzus are angels for sleeping in.. they will sleep in with me cureld up on my bed until I get up, till 11am or even 12pm. They will literally not move ALL night.. and I sometimes even get up before them. I don't know what my mother did to them but they LOVE to sleep!!


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My boy is almost four, but he has an inate alarm clock, and he refuses to let me sleep past 5:05 am each weekday. The hubby and I run off to the gym, and BossMan NEVER lets us slip. But come weekends, he respects my "night night" that I sternly yell when he sticks his mug in mine. He's actually let us sleep in until 7 am several weekends! With age, your pup will mellow (and maybe even grasp the concept of weekends!)


New member
I think putting a cover over the crate helps a lot. I found out just how late Annie will sleep the other morning. I have been having migraines a lot lately and went to bed around 8:00PM and slept all the way through until 10:30AM because of the meds I took. Well, when I got up I assumed my husband let Annie out but he hadn't. He came up with the excuse about "Letting sleeping dogs lay" or some such thing. So anyway I get up and when I pass her crate I see that the cover is on it so I lift it and there, still sound asleep is my little Annie. I can't believe she would sleep that long! She used to wake us up early until we started covering it. So try that.


New member
I used to cover the crate but I found it had made him whine worse since he couldn't see us, when we first had him, so I left it uncovered. I also thought he was too hot being covered up as he would pant in the middle of the night, another reason I stopped covering it. Sully's crate is in our bedroom, as he likes being with us, but if he knows we are IN there, after he wakes up, he doesn't want to stay in there(if we get up and put him back in there to sleep later). I've discovered I can put him back in there, with a stuffed kong and his bully, and he will be quiet and occupy himself - if we aren't in there as well. I will go back to sleep in the spare bedroom for a couple of hours :p He stays quiet only because he thinks no one is home, that we have 'gone to work' -if we went back to bed in the room with his crate he would whine to come out since he knows we are in there. I am curious though to see if covering it will make a difference, so I will try that tonight!