Oliver & 'his' new babies :)


New member
The twins are here!
Connor on the left was born at 6 lbs 11oz and Molly on the right was born at 6 lbs 2 oz. They were born Monday May 16th and have changed our lives forever!. Oliver is doing really well with them and loves gently sniffing them. I think the crying is stressing him out a little because he wants to fix it but other than that he's still being spoiled by all the visitors.

Thanks for sharing in our happiness!


New member
Oh how adorable!! Nanny Oliver wants to make sure they are ok. Congratulations on these new little souls in your life! Beautiful beautiful!


New member
Oh wow what an incredible addition to your family; CONGRATULATIONS !!!

Adorable twins and what a privilege of a furry gentle guardian they have in sweet tender Oliver!

Precious picture. CONGRATULATIONS! Been thinking about you!

Our next playdate will be in 8 years, LOL ... ... ... ...


New member
OH THATS JUST THE BEE'S KNEES...... SO SO SO SO COOL... twins and a newf what more could you want.... how did you do the introductions and how did it go ..... did you bring the baby's scent home 1st so oliver got used to it? really keen to know what you did...


New member
Congrats!! And as someone who just had a baby... Good luck you're going to need it!


New member
I've been waiting for these pics! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! They're absolutely beautiful! Congratulations...it's a tremendously difficult and endlessly wonderful adventure!

Am I alone in thinking that there should to be a section on NN for moms with young children/babies/toddlers and Newfs?


Active member
Congratulations! My twins will be 24 years old next month... you're going to have so much fun!


New member
Am I alone in thinking that there should to be a section on NN for moms with young children/babies/toddlers and Newfs?
Absolutely agree but then what about the dads, and uncles, aunties, cousins And friends across town..... he he maybe a kids and newfs section might simplify it :icon_bb: