North Central Water Test Info.


New member
Hi Everyone,
A while ago someone asked if the info for the North Central Water test could be posted.
You can find the entry forms and all details on the website: or contact Tara Martin at:
Test entries open on Aug. 13th 2010 and Close on September 1, 2010.
Date of test: Sunday Sept. 19th Judges: Lori Littleford and Sue Marino.


New member
I think I'm going to try to attend just to watch, without pups. I'd like to get some idea of what to expect if we take the water work journey.


New member
Come on out and watch:wave:. It is almost as much fun as being in the test.

This is what I just did...went up to CNC just to watch (without dh, kids or dogs) and man, I learned so much - I definitely recommend going to one to watch. Plus, I had so much fun, and both the dogs and handlers were such an inspiration!