No frisbee for Kee


New member
It looks like Miss Aquila will have to give up her favorite sport, Frisbee chasing. Every morning we'd let her out to potty and as soon as she'd finish she'd run and stand at the porch, waiting for us to throw her frisbee. Anyone who has seen her video on YouTube can see how much she loves to play, no matter how deep the snow gets! For the past week we've had rain and the grass has been wet. Yesterday she chased her frisbee, slid on the wet grass and yelped. She jumped up and ran to the house (looking for me, as Hubber was the one with her outside). She wasn't limping, but I put ice on her wrist anyway. Totally normal behavior for the rest of the day (aka, nuts), so I didn't think twice about tossing her frisbee for her this morning. This time she slid, went down, and lay there crying. I ran to her to help her when she jump up and gimped to the porch, yelping the entire way. I helped her up the stairs and into the house, got her settled, put ice packs on her, and told her to stay put while I took Orion out to potty. Of course, she didn't stay put and was at the door wagging her tail with no sign of a limp. Today, again, perfectly her nutty self, but me, not so much. The sound of her crying in pain is too much for me. I'm guessing she just twisted it, but since the grass is so wet and slippery, I'm just not going to take any chances.

Now I'll need to find another outlet for her barrel of energy before she finds her own ways to entertain herself!

(Thank you, Kee, for the dozen new gray hairs you just gave me....)


Active member
Spring seems like the season! Hope it's nothing serious. As for the gray comes to us all!


New member
Yep...been there. Maggie used to play Frisbee in all kinds of weather, except when we'd draw the line at hurricanes, thunderstorms and blizzards. And she wasn't happy about that!

Chandler has hurt his right front wrist playing now and then. Rest cures it, but I know he has some arthritis going on in there now too, so he'll limp on occasion. The Duralactin has helped him a lot, tho.

Glad Kee seems to be okay now. It does sound like a pull. How "good" she actually is will show up after a nap or a sleep. Then if she limps for a few steps before she "works it out" is a good indication of whether it's lingering. If she doesn't limp after resting, and doesn't limp any other time, she's probably fine.
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New member
Don't fret, Miss Kee.....the evil Mama will give you your frisbee play time back when you're done freaking her out.
It is a worry for me when Snuffles slips and yelps. I had a friend with a rescue retired greyhound, tha slipped in the mud in their back yard that hurt his rear leg. It never was right and later amputated. Hope all is OK.


New member
Thx Donna, she's fine now but she sure did scare the dickens out of me. I thought I was going to hurl when she went down and started yelping. Right now she's trying to beat up Orion by jumping on him (I just put an end to that!). This is the girl who, once she found out she could slide down the driveway when it's black ice, would race to the top and slide down. Skidding, sliding, racing at top speed is normal for her. So I'll have to find something else for a while.

Sheila, she's nuts! I doubt she will ever stop freaking me out!


New member
Donna....ruh roh! I hear you! All three of my stooges have ortho issues and I'm terrified about what's gonna happen when we're in the actual north!


New member
So glad she's feeling better. Those yelps always manage to stop the heart. Sounds like you have your hands full with Aquila, bless her heart anyways!!!


New member
Three times during the night she woke us with a yelp. I don't know if she rolled on it or if she was dreaming, but after peeling myself from the ceiling I checked on her, and she seemed surprised (like she had woken herself). This morning she had no trouble getting up or walking, but she was slow going down the stairs and wimpered a bit. Then she walked (!!) out to the potty pen--usually a task approached by looking like she was being shot out of a cannon--but ran back. No frisbee this morning. She still jumped for her breakfast (she gets up on her hind legs and does this dance while walking backwards, aka The Dancing Bear Act). There's no swelling and no warm area, but it must still be hurting a bit. Unlike many newfs, Kee has zero tolerance for pain, there's no stoic newf in her, so she's going to be laying low today if I have to sit on her.


Active member
That dancing bear act sounds like Myra....praying that with the rest she will get today all will be fine

Ocean's Edge

New member
Buddy is a BIG energy guy too (also 3yrs)... ball, frisbee, chasing Kilo.... I worry about him doing himself an injury and try to keep - oh say the races up and over the bed - down to a dull roar..

I really hope a nice quiet day of rest does your girl good and she's back to her ol self soon

Joan Fisher

New member
It does sound like a pull. How "good" she actually is will show up after a nap or a sleep. Then if she limps for a few steps before she "works it out" is a good indication of whether it's lingering. If she doesn't limp after resting, and doesn't limp any other time, she's probably fine.
Hi Donna,
Tiika's been limping after resting. After a minute or so, she's rearing to go and no more limp but in the first 5 -10 steps it's like she doesn't want to put her front right paw to the floor. Does that mean something to you?
Thank you!


New member
I'm sorry she's hurt herself with all the leaping and jumping. I'm grateful that BossMan is 5 now; all that exuberance has slowed considerably! When he was 1.5 years old, he jumped constantly and I actually had an ortho surgeon tell me he wanted to 'operate' !!! Luckily, my breeder sent me for a 2nd opinion to another surgeon, and that guy told me it was a 50/50 operation. So hubby and I decided to keep him totally calm for literally 5 months (not easy!!)....but he healed completely (and he used pred for a short time) and you'd never know after several months that he'd ever been injured. So good luck....we'll cross our fingers for her. BossMan was restricted to going out on a leash attached to us to use the bathroom several times a day, but absolutely no walks or stairs or any other activities.... It WORKED!