New puppy blues???


Inactive Member
Hello, I picked up my new boy at the airport yesterday and he is quite adorable, he is very sad and restless, wants little to do with anyone, sleeps in the other room, and just seems very upset. Is this normal, he is 8 weeks today and it seems as if he has absolutely no "newfy" characteristics. This is going to be his second night and he HATES his cage, he messes in it even if he has just been taken out, I am assuming do to stress and nervousness? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


New member
For a while Quark wasn't real interested in "socializing". He always seemed to prefer to hang out in the basement by himself and I think was sometimes naughty just so he would be sent down there for a time out. It took a while, but now he loves to be around us and will follow me from room to room. It may take some time for him to get used to being without his mother. Don't get too worried yet. Just heap on the love and he'll probably start responding soon.


Inactive Member
Tayla was exactly the same. For the first couple of months she wanted nothing to do with us. She would sleep at the other end of the house and would run away when we went near her.
These days she is your typical "velco" newf. She never leaves your side.
Just keep on giving lots of love and attention and soon your baby will respond.


Inactive Member
Awww, Newby, the poor baby was just taken from his mama, his papa and all his cuddly littermates. He just misses them and doesn't understand where they went.

Try giving him Pedialyte. The electrodes in the liquid will give him a boost from his "puppy blues" and will rehydrate him after his stressful trip. Give it to him instead of water for 24 hours. You won't see much of a difference in his behavior but trust me, it'll work wonders on the inside.

As for the crate, is it perhaps too large? It should only be big enough for him to stand up and turn around in. Any extra room will be used as a toilet, if you're not careful. Also, don't give him any food or water after 8 p.m. (or whenever bedtime is in your household) and make sure to take him outside about every two hours throughout the night. Soft music playing next to his crate might help.

Lots of love, cuddles, happy voices and treats and you'll never go wrong!

I had to suffer through howling, whining, barking...just all manner of fussing...for two straight weeks before Nani realized her crate was a GOOD place. I give her some of her meals there (with the door open) and give her a big stuffy with my scent on it to make her feel better about sleeping alone. Although she doesn't "love" her crate, she's peaceful about laying in it and is quiet as a lamb.

Good luck!


"To err is human.
To forgive, canine."

[This message has been edited by Kanela (edited 02-19-2002).]


Inactive Member
Thanks guys! I am feeling a little better knowing others acted this way.


The crate has a divider so it is just right, like I said he will mess right in it, he gets so stressed with being in it, he goes nuts and yes I feed him his meals in it with the door open and he is fine with that...any other ideas?

I sure hope these blues pass!!! : (


Inactive Member
I don't know if this will help or not, but I would randomly drop tiny treats in the crate when Ese was not in there. Often I'd do it when he was not in the room so he'd "discover" them in the crate later. I'd leave the door open and he'd wander in and find them. He hated his crate initially. My GOD! I didn't know the noises he made could come from a dog.
But I really think the treats helped him to associate good things with the crate. By the fifth night he was quiet all night. He honestly loves his crate now. It's like HIS room to him. He doesn't even like for Steinway (our cat) to go near it. He'll often go in there and lay down to relax while I work in the kitchen. He can see me from there.

He also suffered bouts of depression/homesickness the first few weeks. My only cure for that was tons of love.
Like the others that have posted here, within a month, Ese was (and remains) my shadow.

Best of luck!! Sending you tons of good wishes!

A tribute to his Newfoundland:
"... beauty without vanity
strength without insolence
courage without ferocity
and all the virtues of man without his vices"
- Lord Byron, 1808


Super Moderator
All above repsonses are very good. I may add a hot water bottle to cuddle as his littermates may help

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda
I agree with Jeannie , i think everyone has given u great advice already. just keep on leting him know u love him , lots and lots and lots of love!just smother him with it! He will come around.
Until We Newf Again


Inactive Member
I had the same problem with a Bernese I had flown in. Maybe the trip -it must me awful in the luggage hold or where ever they put them. Try giving a couple of stuffed animals about her/his size to keep him company.


Inactive Member
Newby, how about giving him an extra tasty raw bone to chew on while he's in there...with the door CLOSED? It'll keep him busy and perhaps tire him out enough that he drops right off to sleep.

Having a little radio set on an easy listening station (volume on low) next to his crate may also help tremendously. Not only does Nani love it but when she's in the truck with me, she settles right down as soon as I turn on the stereo and we enjoy a peaceful ride together.

Hmmm...the only thing I can think of to stop that messing in the crate is to wash the odor out immediately (white vinegar and water, 50/50) and just take him outside every 2 hours. NO LATER. He won't have complete control over his bladder until he's at least 6 months (or later) and the stress/loneliness/depression only exacerbates the problem.

Hope this all helps and remember...LOTS OF LOVE AND HUGS!


"To err is human.
To forgive, canine."

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
Have you had him checked out with your vet? It's a good idea so you know he is in good health. He may have worms or giardia all of which are not serious and can be treated easily. It's hard to crate train if there are other factors involved. Also remember, he is young and does not have a lot of control yet. In a few weeks you will see a big difference in crate training and sleeping habits. Be consistant and patient and give lots of love and you will have a happy little boy in a few months. Good luck.


New member
Mudji used to cry in the night. In the beginning, I slept on the couch so I was closer to him, so he wouldn't feel so lonely. Then when I finally went back to the bed, he started crying again. Finally the light dawned..... He had been quiet because I was near him. Now, I usually place a dirty turtleneck (It's still winter in Maine.;D) next to the crate once he is in there. That has seemed to work well.

I also have stuffed animals in there, as well as a gummy bone for the chewing. Last night I slept on the couch. Mudji woke up too early, so I told him to go to sleep. He didn't but I could hear him chomping on the gummy bone.



Inactive Member
Thanks guys, he saw his vet last week and sees ours today. As for the soiling in the cage I am thinking he was just totally stressed and freaked out as I take him out every 40 minutes sometimes sooner and the first night he did both pee and poo (outside) and was taken straight to his cage, freaked out and messed, he then needed a bath, the cage needed scrubed, it was quite a site in the middle of the night/morning...we did this twice! : ) I am happy to report last night went much better I hope it lasts!

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
I just got the new issue of Dog Fancy Magazine in the mail. It is the April issue with the husky pup on the cover. It has a couple of feature articles on raising a new pup. You should try to get a copy. Also on page 100, is a full page ad on the Newfoundland Club of America and picking out a breeder. This is the first time I have seen that ad. It looks like the breed is getting more popular.
Ok here goe my over protectiveness again, im just afraid by them getting so popular they will get into the hands of the wrong kind of people.But anyway i want the book.
Until We Newf Again


Inactive Member
I thought the same thing, Bridget. Look at what happened to the Dalmation after Disney's "101 Dalmations" came out. Tens of thousands were destroyed because people failed to read up on the breed and how hyper, destructive and unruly they tend to be - quite different than the ones in the movie.


"To err is human.
To forgive, canine."


Inactive Member
True! But at least they have the NCA and breeder info though...start them off on the right foot.

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
How's the new pup coming along? Is he sleeping at night? Is he still messing in his crate? And, what's his name? I know how frustrating it can be in the beginning, so I was just curious how things were going.


Inactive Member
Sorry to leave you guys hanging, I have been very busy! He is doing well in his cage and pretty well on housebreaking too still an accident here and there. He still prefers to sleep in the laundry room, dont know if he likes it dark and quiet or what, but he has come a long way from his first night. His name is Bear (my husbands choice, not mine) he is landseer and will be 10 weeks this tues. I think he will be very sweet once he completely adjusts to us. Thanks for asking!