New Canine Massage Book


New member
I just received notice from Amazon that a new book called:
"A Dog Lover's Guide to Canine Massage" is about to be released in paperback.

We do massage on Maggie, to help increase blood flow to her hind quarters, due to severe bilateral HD. Now that she is in pain in her front end, we're doing all-over massage.

I thought some of you may be interested in learning proper techniques to use for your dogs.

Here's a link (hope it works!):


New member
Thanks for the link.....Angus' HD doesn't bother him..yet..but both the guys love a good massage.

R Taft

Active member
I firmly believe in massage, but have you tried bowen and acupuncture. It helped my abbey so much when she had her severe arthritis. It made her last four years much more bearable.

Honey Bear

New member
I have a certified animal massage therapist come out to my house once a month.
The dogs(Bindi,Phoebe and Jack) and Shelby(17 year old cat) all get massages and they just love it!!
Afterwards, they are soooooo mellow,calm and relaxed.
I truly believe that massage is one of the best things you can do for your furkids:sunflower: