Need Sleep!


New member
It'll get better bit by bit. Frankie STILL goes out most nights around 3am, but doesn't have to. He hears me moving around (I'm a night owl), and has gotten used to it. I take him so he doesn't wake Jacques up. He goes out, pees, comes in, and goes RIGHT back to sleep. No crate, but we xpenned off anything he could get into at night in the bedroom. And we have wood laminate it's not hot. Now the xpens are all gone too.

They go to bed around 11pm then get up around 7:30 am in our bedroom.

Cole did the same thing for a LONG time (until he was almost a year old), but he got over it. ha

Like I said, it's because of ME that Frankie is getting up. If I went to bed like most humans....even at midnight....he'd sleep through the night just fine. I'd say he would have been doing that by 5 mos old.


New member
Hang in there. It does get better. I would make sure that he is getting enough food and water. I would take up the water at least two hours before bedtime. I would add a fan to an wire crate. Hope that all of this helps bunches and you can get some much deserved sleep. :hugs:

Henrys Mom

New member
I really do appreciate all of the input. I am going to get the wire crate out and see if he likes that better! On another note, Jackie, Mason's birthday is Dec. 23, 2010 just like Malcolm!!!! Did I miss that before?!? I know they are not litter mates, but it is neat having a pup on here the same age!!


Active member
This too shall pass.... but it's a pain. I second the fan, and would also suggest a nice evening walk before bedtime. It's a pain, but it's also good exercise for us humans. If Ben doesn't get his walk, he is more restless at night. He still gets me up once a night (at least) which is a pain, but I've found the longer the walk I give him, the less frequently he gets me up. Sometimes I can take him out about midnight - 1 a.m. before falling asleep and he will last until morning.


New member
With my giants, i've always thought about 'the first 2 years'. I try to benchmark progresss by that long, long ruler. I've had a Newf that housetrained within days, slept through nights within the first few months, and was a breeze. But I've found that is totally unrealistic, and you brace yourself for a new pup as you do once your kids are born. Look at it this way: it's Spring (almost, anyway!) so all that outdoor time very late at night and early in the a.m. doesn't required dressing up like an Eskimo just to give the dog a break. Good timing on your part! I'm sure he'll be great by the time the summer is drawing to a close!!


New member
I totally sympathize with you on this one. Our dog did the same thing! What worked wonders for us was to cover the crate with a bed sheet so she would feel like she was in a cave, feel less lonely and not wake up with the light. Obviously we left a small space for air to get into the crate. She is still an early riser, but at least she stopped waking up at 4am! 


New member
At that age, Poppy was getting 3 short walks a day, at least. And a lot of training time. Tired pup was happy pup was sleeping well pup! We found that the airline crate worked well, by our bed, but we just blocked off the area by my side of the bed, and left it open. She was not crated completely. We did the intervals, and no water. late night potty break...boringboringboring. If she had to go, boring, no play,ever, in the middle of the night. We taught her the first time she wakes is for potty, the second time is breakfast. We are NOT early risers. I would walk her at 8:30. Now, at 15 mos,she gets up to pee at 7:30, eats at 8:30 and goes back to sleep until 10:30! After that, she gets her walk and is up for the day.

We just taught her to go with our schedule, the 15 min intervals worked well. Wish they would work on my tweener son when it is time to get him into bed!


From 8 weeks Sadie never had a problem sleeping on her own downstairs, in a large crate, covered with a sheet. I would put my jacket on top to comfort her. For us, it was important to make night-night, as we call it, a regimented exercise.

Henrys Mom

New member
Mason does play a lot and I do a lot of training with him but I don't walk him yet. Should I be? I thought he was too young to go on actual walks. He is 15 weeks so not even 4 months and he gets his last set of shots at 4 months. What are your thoughts on walking a puppy?


New member
We try not to do any forced walking that can be avoided. That being said, when I take River on her walks, Tim leashes up Malcolm and walks to the corner with us. I like getting Mal used to the ritual of walking (sitting for collar, sitting for the door, walking nicely) before he actually gets to go on long walks. He gets exercise by tormenting River and chasing River and getting the puppy zoomies.


New member
Aw....I sure remember those days with Benson. I felt more sleep depraved than when I had my babies. What really helped settle him down was moving the crate into our bedroom. For some reason he was much calmer with us near him and would settle right down after the nightly potty trips outside. He eventually started sleeping through the night.

It will get better and you are doing a wonderful job with him.


New member
Also, if it's any comfort, Maggie snores like the devil. I swear she sucked the paint off my bedroom walls.

I'm up at least 3-4 times a night waking her up. We go to bed really early now and try to fall asleep before she does. It never works.


New member
I walked Poppy up and down the yard, and up and down our driveway. At the time, I had to leash her for potty because the backyard was being redone. Also, leashing for potty showed her once done, then we play. It worked really well. To this day she always takes care of business first, then we walk.

Henrys Mom

New member
I take Mason out on a leash as well. I want him to learn that we potty first and then play. He does very well when we go out. It doesn't take him long to potty which is good! Maybe he needs more play time. I am going to try that too. If the weather would just get a wee bit warmer!! I am so tired of having to wear a jacket out!


Active member
unfortunately all our dogs hate crates but we baby gated the kitchen when they were younger.

Unfortunately for us two of our tribe suffer from ibs so we are so used to getting up still in the middle of the night that I have forgotten what five hours straight sleep feels like. I have mastered the power nap nowadays


New member
Sallie our pup was born December 16 and coincidentally moya passed away December 20th...around the same time as Henry. I was hoping to get to the plateaus tomorrow but it looks like I'll be occupied by little league opening day for the whole day! Another time...we should have a puppy playdate! BTW...I almost took a pup from masons litter...bill liked the gray.

Henrys Mom

New member
Hey Damian! We should definitely get the pups together! I plan to make it to the next play date. Mason will have had all his shots by then. We liked the grey puppy as well and almost took him, but decided we wanted a black instead. The grey boy was super sweet!

Mason is doing much better. He still only sleeps for a solid 4-5 hours but he whines when he needs to be let out. If I go to bed at midnight he will sleep until about 4 or 4:30 and I let him out in the dark and he pees and then I put him in the kitchen and he is quiet for another 2 hours. It works ok for me right now. I am confident he will one day sleep for longer than 4 hours a night!!!