Need help helping a friend buy a puppy (bulldog) [NN]


New member
I have a friend that is planning to buy a bulldog puppy. He's finally decided that he's ready and started looking for breeders. I found out last night that a breeder had sent him pictures of a 14 week old puppy and was trying to tell him all the reasons he should buy it. The more he talked the more it sounded BYB. No mention of health clearances or anything. He found this particular breeder on one of the online puppy sale websites. I told him not to settle on the first breeder who comes along and got into more specifics of things to be aware of.

However, I am not at all familiar with the bulldog breed and therefore am not aware of all the things he should be on the lookout for with bulldogs in particular. The good news is that when I started talking to him about making sure that he found a good, reputable breeder he was very receptive to it. I would really like to put him on the right path and arm him with all the right questions to ask while he looks for the right breeder and puppy.

I have thus far told him to go to some AKC shows in his area (which he is now planning to do) and pointed him towards the Bulldog Club of America website (not the easiest layout in the world unfortunately, but makes me appreciate our NCA website even more). Any other ideas of places for him to get the right info on buying a bulldog puppy? Anyone here have any good contacts in the bulldog world that you could PM to me?

Oh, and I also told him that the breeder doesn't have to be in his immediate area. His thing is that he wants to be able to pick the puppy himself and I tried to explain that most good breeders will likely pair him with a dog (right?) and he didn't seem to like that idea very much. :\


New member
My hubby and I like EBDs as well, but I am very hesitant to bring one into our home as EBDs happen to be the unhealthiest of all breeds of dogs. Literally. That is not an exaggeration. Even a EBD from the most reputable and responsible of EBD breeders is (very likely) going to be a bit of a train wreck. I can't imagine the heartache and cost involved if he (your friend) were to get one from a BYB.

Between their respiratory issues, skin issues, ocular issues, heart and palate defects and orthopedic/spine issues (Really, the list goes on and on. It's very sad), it is a very expensive breed to maintain. The biggest things he should be concerned with is heart clearances (they get Aortic Stenosis and can be born with ventrical defects) and hip/elbow/patella clearances. But please do make sure he's fully aware of the health issues he is very likely to encounter with this breed. They are wonderful, wonderful dogs. I myself love EBDs. It's just such a pity the breed has been driven to this point by irresponsible breeding and unnatural, exaggerated breed standards...
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Active member
I second Yorkville.

I ADORE English bulldogs, but I could never bring one home. My sister is a vet, and when a vet has absolutely nothing good to say about a breed, I listen!! My neighbor has one, and while I'm glad I can go over there to get my EBD fix every once in awhile, listening to their "went to the vet AGAIN" stories are hard to hear. The dog is 2.5 years old and I think they've easily spent over $6,000 on various health issues.


New member
My brother has had several Bulldogs. There are a LOT of medical issues in Bulldogs, mostly pertaining to cancers, and breathing/lung issues, vision, skin, yada, yada yada. He needs to be VERY CAREFULL selecting a breeder. JMHO no clearances, no medical histories from previous litters, I would be VERY leary, and shopping around will give him a better opportunity to get a puppy, that will have min8imum health issues, and be a happy pupper.


New member
Send them to the Bulldog Club of America to do research before they purchase.

Have them read and research all about the breed and the health issues...and contact the breeder referral person for BCA qualified breeders. Then start searching.

And tell them to get insurance. We have Embrace. They'll need full coverage (Accident and Illness, minimum).