My New Addition!


New member
So i joined this forum in the summer to get more info on newfs and see some owner experiences of owning a newf. Now months later I wanted to tell everyone I finally found a breeder and am picking up my puppy the first week of december! I am getting a beautiful boy newfi!! He was born October 12th and is currently 5 weeks! Here is a pic!

Now I need some help! My fiance and I have been at odds about names, any suggestions? The puppy is a male and is all black.

My other questions are I am going shopping for my pup in the coming weeks and wanted to know if there was anything i should buy that maybe you didnt think to buy in the very beginning.
So far the list is:
Puppy Harness
Food and Water Dishes
Safe Chew Toys
Dog Treats
Food ( im unsure of what brand i was thinking orijin let me know neones suggestions)
Baby Gate to contain in a room if necessary
Soft Brushes

Ummm this is a last minute post so lemme know if you have any suggestions with names, supplies, or food brands!
Im very excited I cant wait to show you all more pictures once I bring him home at 8 weeks.
I added a pic tell me what you think
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New member
He's gorgeous. Congratulations. Few things that you might want to add to your shopping list:

1. Odor removing spray to help clean up accidents during housetraining
2. Puppy shampoo
3. Nail clippers

Please share lots of pictures! :D


New member
Here's a thread that asked the same question:

And here was my response:

This came up once on the boys' blog - here was our response:

Search # 5: Things Needed for a Newfoundland Dog

A sense of humor is the most important thing you can possess if you're going to bring home a Newf. Because nothing else will get you past the first time they shake their head and a gigantic string of drool arcs gracefully through the air to land in the mug of coffee you JUST brewed. Patience comes a close second.

But here's a list of all the "things" we've gathered for the Newfs - we'll put a star next to the things we could not live without:

For Feeding:
Stainless steel feeding bowls*(large and extra large)
Stainless steel water bucket*
Large Plastic Bins with Airtight seals for Storing Kibble
Cosequin DS
Probiotic (we use Petdophilus by Jarrow)
Drool Bibs or Drool Bibs by Newf.Net's 2Paws Sue

For Grooming:
Pin Brush
Anti-static deep-toothed Comb*
Nail Trimmers or Dremel*
Thinning Shears
Curved Safety Scissors (for trimming the fur between the toes - this not only helps your dog with traction and with any moisture build-up that could cause canine athlete's foot, but it also helps keep your house clean by cutting down on the amount of dirt trapped in the foot)
Mars Coat King*
Metro AirForce Master Blaster* (heavy-duty dryer)
Coat Conditioner
Styptic Powder (for when you mess up and cut the quick on the nail)
Ear Wash
Toothbrush and Toothpaste

For Walkies:
Collar* (we NEVER use a choke chain or full-choke collar - we've found them to be the least effective tool collar for us, and the potential for permanent damage to an over-excited dog's larynx is too great a risk. We use a plain buckle for every day stuff, or a martingale, or a prong collar if we are going someplace where there is a chance that the dog could put himself in danger through misbehavior. We use it as a tool while the dog is being trained with an eye towards phasing it out when it is no longer necessary. Nanook and Pooka both have basically graduated from the prong now, they listen well enough to not need it)
Poop Bags* (you can use plastic shopping bags for this - a good way to re-use them)
Training Treats
Bait Pouch/Treat Bag

For Home:
Crate/Crate Pan*
Baby Gates* (tall and sturdy - metal not wood)
Lots of Towels*
Potty-Time Bells on the Doorknobs (we ring them when we need to go out)
Bitter Apple (to be sprayed on anything you don't want your puppy to chew on)
Powerful Vacuum-Cleaner* You WILL need this. We shed. A lot.
Get Serious or Nature's Miracle stain and odor remover*

For Happiness:

Toys!You'll learn quickly which ones are safe for your puppy, some newfs are very soft-mouthed and don't destroy anything, some are total Destructo-Newfs (like Pooka). Our favorites are Kongs stuffed with peanutbutter and frozen, Tuffie Toys, Wubbas, and extra large tennis balls (regular sized tennis balls are a choking hazard for us big dogs). Your puppy will need things to chew on while he is teething - we liked big rags soaked in water or low-sodium chicken broth and then tied into a big knot and frozen. Make sure you watch him while he has that though to make sure he doesn't chew off a piece and eat it! We also like bully sticks.

Love!* - Don't worry, we'll give it back in spades.
Companionship* - we're not a breed that does well separated from our owners - we're not good watch dogs generally and we don't like to be outside without you, so think of another breed if you aren't intending to share your life, your home, and very likely part of your bed with your dog.
Congratulations! I can't add a thing (Nessa took care of it) - except ONE:
A car-riding harness. If you are not planning on transporting in a crate, you NEED a harness. These can attach to either the seat belt or the car seat hookups in your car's back seat (depending on which one you get), and will prevent the dog from becoming a 100-plus pound projectile in the event of a car accident (or even just a hard stop). When you have a 140-lb dog in the back seat, a car accident can not only kill the dog, but the front-seat passengers, if unsecured.

Just my dos centavos.

Connie w Tuck

New member
Nessa's list plus:
Puppy classes - then they turn into obedience class.
Judi Adlers books - Her Puppy Book and Water Works Water Play.
Highligher to go along with the books.


Active member
My personal suggestion: a big dog bed so that they as they rapidly grow you won't have to keep replacing it. When they're older, the soft beds are easy on old hips. Get a good one with a removable cover so you can wash it when needed.

I know there are a variety of opinions on this, but mine after having 3 Newfies is "let them sleep in your bedroom". They want to be near you to protect you and because they're part of your pack and you're their leader. If you could see my Ben stretched out along my side of the bed (on the floor) every single night, you'd know how seriously he takes protecting his mom! **

**Not that mom doesn't cuss under her breath as she tries to step over him in the middle of the night. ;)


New member
Something I didn't do was get a grooming table and get them used to it as puppies. Now that they are older (and so am I), the floor with them lying down isn't as comfy as it once was...sigh. I now have a table but, I can't lift them alone and hubs can't gathers dust and junk in the spare room:( Next pup...someday.


New member
If you have a particular thing, TV, Movie, Book, etc..... you could look for a name from that. My wife loves "I Love Lucy," so all mine are named:

Ethel - Ethel Mae Dakota Bear (Ethel Mae for Ethel Mae Mertz) (Dakota and Bear were from her Mom and Dad's Names)
Oreo - Mrs. Trumble's Oreo Cookie (Mrs. Trumble being Lil-Ricky's Baby Sitter)
Luci - Luci Lu I Love U
Ricky - Ricky Ricardo's Cuban CongaBoy

Future Newf - Fred's Tight with a Dollar (Fred Mertz)

I also since she likes LightHouses and she has been to this one:

Tybee Island's Stormy Savior (Call name Ty-Bear)

Just have fun with it.


New member
Oh my, he's adorable. I would add paper towels, lots of them, a boot tray for under his water bowl, regular towels, some cheap blankets from the dollar store to lay down by the door he comes in to make a trail to whatever floor is waterproof ( Newf love snow, so he'll be outside a lot this winter ) and more paper towels.

Puppy proof your house now. Get used to putting your shoes away, and anything else that can fit into a rapidly growing pups mouth. ( That's anything smaller than your car.) And start a growth chart when you get him, it's cool to see how quickly they grow.


New member
He's just darling!! You could also play with names that work off his parents names...Gracie's registered name is (kennel) Toute Sweet, which is a play on her papa Ch. Me Too and her momma Sweet Maple. But then we use Gracie as in "Say goodnight Gracie"...the right name will come to ya. Welcome, Little guy!


New member
My guys have custom beds-the kitchen floor and the bathroom floor. They love the cold tile. I would not spend too much money on them in case your guy is one of that likes the cool floor or the spot next to you on your bed :))