My 2yr old may or may not have Pyometra


New member
I just came home from the vet. My Piper, 2 year old newf that has already had major hip surgery has a skin infection. Okay no big deal anti biotics and baths baths and more baths. But she has also been going into short heats when she should not be. About every 3 months or so. The vet took an ultra sound but said her uterus is not enlarged so we just have to watch. She may or may not have Pyometra. She told me to just watch if she continues to go into heat or if there is a very smelly discharge. Anything else I should look for? Any thing I can do to prevent this from actually becoming full blown pyro?


New member
From our experience with Max, our English Mastiff, excessive thirst is one of the symptoms. Good luck to you and your girl.


New member
I would keep an eye out for any abnormal behaviours and check the dog's temperature at least twice a day. Pyometra can develop quite quickly into a dangerous situation. If your vet thought it might be Pyo, he should have given you strong antibiotics. Pyometra is essentially caused by bacteria "backtracking" up into the uterus and causing infections.

Eventhough it's wikipedia, this is a fairly good summary:


Active member
My own Piper had one. She also had the frequent heat cycles. Then she went off her food one day and was clearly in a great amount of pain. Thought she was gonna die before I got her to the vet. Her uterus was about the size of my forearm, it was so filled with pus. Fortunately it was an open pyo. The pus coming from her rear was unbelievable. Don't mess around with it.


New member
That is what is scaring me. I was at the vet today and she just said to watch her. Yes she is on antibiotics so I hope that will help. I am afraid I will miss something and I will lose her.

Sun Valley

New member
There is an open pyo and a closed pyo...with an open pyo she will have a discharge, drink lots of water and will be lethargic....but not all dogs will present with the same symptoms. A closed pyo is much more serious in my opinion but there usually isn't any discharge.

I lost a bitch to a closed pyo when the ER vet argued with me about what she had. When they finally got her on the table and opened her up over an hour later, she died on the table.

It's been my opinion that bitches that short cycle are more likely to pyo.

Good luck with your girl and keep an eye on her.

Lou Ann


New member
My best advice is be aware of your girl and note anything out of the norm. Note how much water she is drinking, note her energy level, note how often she is urinating, note is she seems more restless or more "clingy" than is usual.

I just went through a closed pyo with one of my girls. The first indication that something was wrong happened about 7 weeks after her last heat cycle (she also short cycled coming in about every 3 to 4 months) and was when I noticed that she looked to be straining to urinate and squating for a long period of time. Temps were normal, food intake normal as was water consumption. The next day she followed me around and was on my heels the entire day. That evening I noted her going to the water bucket more often and drinking more than normal each time. I sensed she was "off" but she was still active, eating, no vaginal dishcarge and her temp was normal. Despite these things my instincts told me to have her seen by her vet. After some discussion (she did not present as a normal pyo) an ultrasound and bloodwork was done. White blood cells were very high and you could see her uterus appeared only slightly enlarged but visibly so. Off to surgery she went. Her uterus once removed weighed 7 pounds and looked like a pork roast!

If I had not been aware of changes in my girl, however subtle they were, she would not be sitting here at my side telling me to get off the computer and feed her breakfast. I think I will do just that and give her an extra treat just because.


New member
She is 101 pounds. I have to keep her on the thin side because of her terrible hips. Let me try to answer as much as I can here. The reason I haven't had her spade was just the hormonal thing I had another female fixed and her coat went wild. She looked like a yak! I am pretty sure I will just get this one spaded just to stop the worry. But for right now her uterus is not inlarged and she is discharging so I think it would be considered open if it is that at all. I did mention that the antibiotics are twice a day right. This is not her normal vet. He is on vacation so when he gets back I will call him and see if he agrees with it all.
In the mean time I will keep a close watch on her. She is very clinggy and she has always been so that is her norm.