Murphy has a lump (NN)


New member
I had a golden growing up and by the time she was five she had a few fatty deposits. When she finally laid down for the last time at about 13 (for unrelated reasons) they were all over her chest and sides of varying sizes and maneuverability. We had biopsies of a few of them and all were just benign fat. Good luck and hope Murphy just has what all these other good goldens seem to have.

Thank you so much for this input. It helps me have some peace of mind. :)

Thank you to all of you for your prayers, good thoughts and support. I hope I'm just being a worry wart as usual and that it's nothing. Will keep you posted!

And thanks for caring about my boy. :)


New member
Hoping like everyone else says that it's just a fatty tumor. Sydney has been more of them as she gets older. She actually has one just where you describe, but on her left side. It is soft and moveable so vet said not to worry, just keep an eye on it. In the beginning we aspirated them and had one removed. It was fine. Hugs to you and your special boy!


New member

PLease keep us posted. I too had a wonderful golden, lived to be 13.5 years of age, and had many fatty tumors. Kim

Pam G

New member
Our golden had fatty tumors as well..but two separate times we took him in for what looked like fatty tumors and they turned out to be mast cell tumors...and he needed surgery. They are quite common in goldens, so make sure your vet does a needle aspirate just in case. I don't mean to scare you..but better to know for sure. Good luck tomorrow !!!!!!


New member
I'm with everyone else..prayers, etc. Thinking it's probably a fatty lump and nothing more. Still thinking of you and your baby, Murphy...big big big hugs!!!


New member
Be careful Jess. Mast cells can present in a variety of ways - beneath the skin is one way. I'm glad you're getting him checked out. They should do a needle biopsy to to determine if the cells are the fat cells found in a lipoma or other types...


New member
Just returned from the vet. She is pretty certain it's a lipoma (fatty tumor) and says it's very circular in shape, soft, under the skin and moveable- which is why she is 99% sure it's a lipoma (which she also confirms is very common in mid-aged Goldens). She did say that the only way to tell for sure is to have it biopsied- and she says it's so small that she would prefer to just remove the whole thing to send it all for biopsy. I had inquired about getting his teeth cleaned soon anyway so she suggested doing it all at once so it's not necessary to expose him to anesthesia twice. She assured me that it's nothing I need to do urgently and can wait a few weeks (while I save a little $ for the added expense) and that if it was even slightly concerning to her she would insist I do it urgently. She says most pet owners don't even notice these bumps and lumps but I think I am just really overly keen on my pets. :) I can't help it it's in my nature. But I am one who must know in order to have total peace of mind so I will opt for the surgery as soon as I can swing it. So within a few weeks Murphy will have a biopsy and removal and some really clean teefies. :) Please keep him (and me) in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you to all of you for your input, support and help!


New member
So glad it's just a lipoma!! My Murphy has a few of them and I was concerned initially too :) Murph's haven't gotten any bigger and are still soft and moveable and with his heart any type of anesthesia is really risky so we have just left the lipomas alone. Big hugs to you and to Murph!! Now how about some pictures of his smiling face!


New member
So glad it's just a lipoma!! My Murphy has a few of them and I was concerned initially too :) Murph's haven't gotten any bigger and are still soft and moveable and with his heart any type of anesthesia is really risky so we have just left the lipomas alone. Big hugs to you and to Murph!! Now how about some pictures of his smiling face!

Thanks Katie :) I posted a new thread with a couple recent photos of him for you. :)


New member
Glad to here that's what she thinks it is Jess! I just found one on Chandler's leg, and it feels like a small grape. Totally soft, movable, not attached to I'll check it out a bit later. Not too long, but I think it's a lipoma too. I've seen plenty of them on our dogs. :) Give handsome Murph a kiss from me!


New member
My Trevah was a girl, so we called them her "lovely lady lumps"... But maybe for murphy they could be "sugarlumps"....
Continued well wishes!