Mouse in the house


New member
So I'm wondering if anyone has had any luck using a humane mouse trap.

Apparently my two cats think they have better things to do then hunt, like napping :snore:


New member
I get mice in the beginning of the fall in my basement. The regular mouse traps never work. My husband got these great ones, don't know the name, but they are rectangular and black. There is a hole at one end for the mouse to crawl in for the food. They are very sensitive and once the mouse is in, he don't come out:icon_bb: Every morning you will find the traps sprung with a dead mouse until there are no more mice:D

I don't mean to sound inhumane but mice carry diseases and they belong outside. When I see them outside I could care less.


New member
We got mice when I lived with roommates in college and attempted to use humane traps. They did not work and in the end we ended up with an infestation of mice because we waited and tried humane traps at first and they multiply so quickly. We ended up using the black trap boxes and glue traps meant for rats. The glue traps worked best and caught multiple mice per trap. I highly recommend getting on this quickly because the saying of "where there is one there are many" holds true when it comes to mice and they multiply like crazy.


New member
From experience, while the glue traps work, I definitely wouldn't consider them humane (I also hated cleaning them up/throwing them out as you often end up touching the mouse). We had a landlord that used them for a bit and the noises the poor things would make when they got stuck were horrific and they stayed alive on them for a disturbing amount of time. I'd personally prefer something that kills them instantly than one that makes it slow going.


New member
Old fashion snap traps baited with peanut butter work the best. I agree with the glue traps, they are very nasty and anything stuck to one dies a slow agonizing death. If by chance anyone wants to free a critter from a glue trap it can be done with vegetable oil.


New member
:uhoh2: Yeah the glue one would be too much for me. If they have to die I want it to be a quick death. It's amazing the variety they have...did you guys know they have mouse traps that kill the mouse with electricity. I'm tempted to try that...but it's way too expensive. Guess I'll be taking a trip to a hardware store after work. Seems a bit macabre to stand around choosing the method to dispatch the unfortunate rodent.


New member
We get mice in winter, and when it rains a lot. My cats usually keep them from coming upstairs, but sometimes not. I buy the cat-safe covered ones that have the snaps in them. Kills them instantly, and you don't have to look or touch the mouse. No mess.

If you are interested, here is what happened the last time we found a mouse:


New member
Had mice couple of years ago. Had a BIG FAT CAT.. I big 150lbs dog.. The mice,, YAWN.... so of course I FREAKED big time.. Got a professional in .. End of.. If it happens again I would do the same thing...


Active member
Here's a tip...use the tiniest amount of peanut butter that you can for bait. If you put a big glob on the trigger, they can lick it off and leave before tripping the wire. Also, the peanut butter acts like a glue, preventing the trigger from firing sometimes.

I have a black box trap by Victor, but it's not the one pictured in the link above. It works great and you never have to touch the working parts or even look at the dead mouse, if you're squeamish. You just hold the trap over a trash container and depress a lever which releases the dead mouse. Kind of like a Dyson vacuum. Hahahah.

Pretty slick. But the good, old fashioned wood traps are just as effective. They're just harder to bait without springing the trap and disposing of the mouse requires that you touch the icky parts.

I've tried the live traps for mice and had no luck. But I do use a wire Havahart live traps for bigger critters and have caught everything from chipmunks, to rats, to possums, to snapping turtles. I prefer a humane trap, but those must be monitored so that the animal doesn't suffer from dehydration or stress or heat or whatever. Otherwise, they are just as inhumane as glue traps (which I would never use).


New member
So I baited the traps before I got the peanut butter tip and you were totally right. We heard some rustling and I just checked the trap and sure enough a bite had been taken out of the big glob I had placed in the trap! So I have reduced the amount of peanut butter drastically and am prepared for round two!
If this dosent work I will try that electric one.

Also it seems based on those threads you guys gave me links to that my cats aren't the only non-mousers out there :D oh well, live and learn.


New member
The glue traps are awful and not humane at all but they really work. We eventually resorted to them when the other traps came up empty but the bait kept disappearing. Good luck with whatever you decide to use.


New member
The small amount is a good tip. I, too, found this out the hard way. But, the wood traps are the best. We get mice in the fall, and one year, when I put two traps out, I caught two mice within a half hour. Set two more traps out and caught two more by morning. What the heck? Went to the store and bought 12 more (I throw away mouse and all). Used all of them in three days. Ended up catching 37 mice before it stopped. So, yes, when you see one there may be many, many more.


New member
We're trying these electronic things that plug in and apparently make a sound or vibration that drive the wee critters away....we'll see if this works. Our kitty won't come downstairs because of the Newfs, so the mice are in the guest room and the cellar. Wish me luck.


New member
With Hantavirus killing people every year I don't mess around with mice.
We have a pest control service come and he puts poison bait traps (the poison is in a large black box that opens with a key, openings for mice) under the house which has made a huge difference. In the house I used these plastic ones
That way I don't have to see their squished heads or bodies! Little peanut butter and I've even caught 2 at a time in one trap before. I want to kill them quick so no glue traps.
