

New member
Maggie is wonderful on her walks. Cars, kids, bikes and people dont seem to bother her. Our one issue is loud motorcycles. When one comes roaring down the road she barks wildly and lunges with all her might. It is the sound that bothers her ears, but i dont know how to stop it. How can I get her to the point where she doesnt go crazy when one passes by? HELP!

Thule's Mom

New member
All I can do is empathize with you... Thule does the same thing (and always has) at anything that is being towed behind a vehicle - especially the noisy, rattling kind. Best I've been able to manage - if I see the offending vehicle before she does - is get her in a quick sit and stand in front of her.... I really hope someone here as suggestions for the both of us!


New member
I got nothing. My lab was like this. The most loving, docile creature around-until she heard a motorcycle. Nothing else bothered her-she slept through thunder storms and liked to watch fireworks.

Maggie isn't bothered by them. I wonder if it's maybe a sensory thing? It's just the sound is too much for them? I would keepe a ton of high value treats handy and when you encounter one, do a sit/stay and praise her when she ignores them. Oh, I did have a little something after all! :lol:


New member
I hope so too! Would love to be working on this before spring/summer hit. I look like a fool trying to hold back a dog as big as me! Just afraid she is going to win the tug of war battle one day and get hurt. I have thought about taking her to a motorcycle dealer here in town to get her used to the noise but then i come to my senses and know that will just drive us both batty.


New member
Good idea on the treats. she will be so busy gnawing and my pockets, she wont even notice the motorcycles! Goofy girl is ruled by her tummy!

Thule's Mom

New member
I find that distracting her with a sit and getting her to look at me, but it has not solved the problem, if I'm not vigilant, she does it, and she does it when we're in the car too. Oh yes, and it's skateboards too... figure this one... when the kid is on the board she has a fit; when the kid stops and comes over to us, with the board in his hand she's all sweetness and licks... as soon as he's back on the board, she's a wild thing again so I don't know that desensitizing would work...??


New member
Montana does this, it's not about the sound they make for her. If we are in the car and traffic is going by in the oncoming lane, or behind us she is fine, but if she sees anyone on a motorcycle or a bicycle she goes bananas. We cannot figure out what is so strange about two wheeled things, she just hates them.


New member
Wash is exactly like this, only with Motorcycles. He just goes insane when he sees them.


Active member
Elvis is absolutely terrified of motorcycles. He doesn't go for them, he tries to run away.

His trainer has helped us a lot with a "back to basics" obedience refresher, and even took Elvis to a bike garage for some intense desensitizing time.

He's better once he can actually see the bike. If he just hears it but can't find it (like it's in the next neighborhood or passed up the road without him finding it) then he's all jittery until he can no longer hear it. If he gets eyes on it, he hides behind me until it's long gone.
Bikes are Snuffles' downfall. If he knows I know the bike is coming, he stays pretty calm on That took some working on. But if I am not in control of him, the chase is on.

Infact we did not renew our dog park membership, because they are extending the bike path along the south fence line. :( People at the dog park say they never thought Snuffles could move so fast when he chased bikes on the road. They said he jumped over a lab to get to the fence once. I am convinced his neck injury last Oct was because he fell on his face chasing a bike along a fence.

I wish I had a answer.


New member
Roger is the same way! Only difference is he chases them only when they go by the house. Of course he is behind the fence. Funny thing is, he never chases Dan's motorcycle.


New member
ok, so you are all making me feel so much better about this. Sometimes I forget that these big ol lugs can just be scared. BIG bodies, tender hearts.
Morgan was trying to chase snowmobiles down the lake this winter. She's curious when motorcycles go by but not crazy chasing nuts. Hope it never happens?


Super Moderator
My first Newf Gus was like that with motorcycles, especially in the van when they overtook us. He would bark his big head off, never was able to break him of the habit.


New member
Our girl was scared by motorcycles too. My husband rides a motorcycle and she would hide behind me when she heard it start up. She has since learned, however, that when she hears a motorcycle in the driveway that means "DAD'S HOME!" That, coupled with our lab's positive reaction, seems to have made all the difference.

R Taft

Active member
It can be helped....Find someone to help you with desensitization. Kay has sort of found her own version with the help of her labrador and their own bike with someone she likes on the bike. It can take some time and needs a bit of hands on and timing. And lots of positive input at the right time.
Dogs often think they are successful at getting rid of the awful bike, because it left after they barked and carried on. Making them think they did a great job. That is why they keep doing it. Chasing things behind fences makes them feel they are pretty smart at getting rid of the bike.