Moose update


Super Moderator
Have not posted but I am reading and keeping up to date on Moose. I am so sorry to hear about his conditions. As mentioned before at least he is not going through this alone. Even if it is for a short time you were able to give him the loving home he so badly needed.

You may want to talk to Scott. He was in the same situation last year with Maggie. Remember he rescued her, had her for a couple of months and helped her cross the bridge in peace.

My prayers are with you.


New member
Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers.

Moose is doing better since he had the steroid shot. He can now keep water down at least. After the anti-nausea pill last night he drank some of the K9 Quencher, hot-dog flavored doggy gatorade, and kept that down. So that was at least a few calories. We are just focusing on keeping him comfortable for now.

I heard from my regular vet last night. The ANA test came back positive. It probably doesn't change anything but we are checking with the internest. I'm still waiting on the cortisol level but probably won't hear on that until late this afternoon.

We are all sad but doing OK. Moose is in hospice now and as long as we can keep him comfortable we'll enjoy our time with him.

Here's the report from yesterday from the internest:
1. As we discussed Moose most likely has a primary liver disease that has acutely decompensated. A primary liver disease is something that is not curable but is potentially manageable but will progress.
2. Some of the abnormalities can also fit with a disease called Atypical Addison's disease which is a manageable disease. This disease is much more unlikely but worth investigating since we are considering euthanasia.
3. We have given him an injection of dexamethasone and Vitamin K. Please discontinue the metronidazole and Primor and give him amoxicillin 400 mg twice daily.
4. We have also given you anti-nausea medication. You can give him 10 mg of metoclopramide to give him twice daily 30 min before a meal.
5. Please call in tomorrow to check on the Baseline cortisol level if it is normal it rules out the Addison's. If it is low an ACTH stimulation test needs to be run and if positive he nees further supportive care that we discussed ie Plasma, fluids, vitamin K, antibiotics, etc.

When I spoke to my vet last night he was more upbeat about being able to keep him comfortable a little longer. He is out of town for 4 days starting today and feels bad about that. If he were in town he would have come in on his days off to care for Moose. I'm hoping to keep Moose comfortable at least until he gets back. He started the journey with us and I'd like to end it with him.

Just as a side note for our collective medical knowledge, the internest told me yesterday that long term liver disease can cause the kind of muscle wasting we've seen in Moose. Something about not processing or producing proteins properly.

Thanks so much everyone for your kindness. I'll let you know when I hear back on the Cortisol test.

They did also run a leptospirosis test since he drank river water and it could be contagious through urine to Kimber or us. Since I've been cleaning up Moose and his accidents it would be good to make sure whether he had it.


New member
I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to post, but please know that my prayers are with you and with Moose.

This is so sad to hear, yet I know Moose has had a wonderful life in his past months. The love and care you've shown him has given him happiness that he's never known, and that's the very best gift of all.