Moose has lice! I was right!!! (plus more Moose health updates)


Inactive User
So after two flea dips and countless hours cleaning my house like a maniac, I bit the bullet and took Moose to the vet (for lice and for his paws - he has bloody paws). When I called this vet, he said that it couldn't be lice because lice is "extremely rare". I said, "trust me, rare is common with this boy. It's lice. I can SEE them crawling, they are white and they don't jump".

We go in, he microscopes some samples, and sure enough - blood sucking lice!!!!!!! He was shocked that I was right. He hasn't seen lice in years. We gave Moose some Frontline and will treat Ollie too.

Here's some info if any of you wind up with this: Unlike fleas, lice are species-specific so my cat can't get it. They are passed from dog to dog contact and are highly contagious, but can only live on the host. The recommended treatment is flea baths (every two weeks, which we've already done) and Frontline or an oral flea/tick/lice killer on all dogs.

As for his paws they have a slight staph infection, so I trimmed the hair really short and am keeping them dry and they are improving, so we're going to let those ride out if they will heal up more on their own.

The vet also found a weird fluid-filled lump (forgot the name) on his right elbow. He said it's common on large breed dogs and not usually something he likes to operate and do anything on, so we'll just keep an eye on it. They usually scar down on their own...

And lastly - some great news! This vet tested Moose's range of motion. Apparently all the walks for "workouts" we've been doing have been paying off. Moose has an "EXCELLENT" range of motion for a dog with spinal fusions and hip dysplasia and doesn't seem to be too uncomfortable. Yay Moo! Now for what you've all been waiting for, some guiltless pictures.

The vet lifted my 115 pound puppy up there by himself...and he'd had knee surgery last week. Crazy!

This is so boring, mom.

Such a handsome guy.


Active member
Where do you think he picked the lice up from as might be worth giving them a heads up about it.

Go for it Moose you are looking good.

Can't remember but l think for staph infections you can lightly spray with Listerine as it helps


New member
Poor Moose and lice! Yuk!! can't imagine how itchy that must have been for him. Glad you got it confirmed and treated...what a mess...and yes, our Moose is one handsome guy!!


Inactive User
Where do you think he picked the lice up from as might be worth giving them a heads up about it.

Go for it Moose you are looking good.

Can't remember but l think for staph infections you can lightly spray with Listerine as it helps
Oooh good I'll try that. His front right paw is the worst...but is slowly clearing up.
Not sure where he picked it up - my guess is PetsMart since we meet so many dogs there and they have body-to-body contact when greeting. I may call the petsmart vet techs (they're good friends and big fans of Moose) and give them a heads up that it is confirmed lice, so they'll know that it's in the area.


New member
On the counter! That's amazing! Gilly hasn't been on the counter since she was 12 weeks. He looks comfortable and happy...aside from the lice.


New member
I have never heard of lice on dogs. :shocker:

Poor Moose! He looks so darned easy going and happy despite all of this!!


New member
Thank you for sharing with us all. I had never heard of lice in dogs either. If there's any added info. you could share it would be much appreciated i.e. Size? White only? Eggs? moving? specific areas found? Genus and species?


Wow....can't believe how much you and Mr. Moose have been through lately. LICE?!?!?!? Good grief. And the staph on his paws? It's just too much. You are such a good mom to get him through all these issues! So glad to hear his workouts are helping his range of motion -great news indeed!
And the new photos, they just never disappoint. He is brilliant. Seeing his photos just make me happy. He is a trooper and such a joy.


New member
Lice ?! :shocker: Made me itchy just thinking about it. Poor Moose, hope you're quickly shed of the nasty little buggies!


New member
I'm just reading this now. sorry for what you and your poor Moose have been through. I sure hope those bugs are gone by now and his paws are healed up. Hugs and kisses for Moose. :kiss: