

New member
I decided to clean the carpet in the hall today. (As in shampoo it) First of all, I go over it with warm water with some bicarbonate of soda to kill the previous shampoo suds that might not have come out from the last time, and to get rid of the odour from the newfs. Tomorrow after it's dry and vacuumed I'll then go over it with the shampoo.
Anyway, it got me to thinking, for you older N-Ners. Do you remember the cereal packets when you used to get a wee toy in them?
It was the most exciting time in the morning, to get rummaging in the box till you found the magnificent toy! lol
If you were lucky, it could have been something really worth while, like a wee cannon that fired bits of match sticks powered by an elastic band!
Or joy of joys, a submarine, that actually went in the water and was powered by the fabulous bicarbonate of soda!
Oh boysa! boysa! School uniform on, mother going nuts trying to get you out of the sink, where she is normally going nuts trying to get you INTO the sink to wash you! lol!!
Sometimes it was really fancy and it was a sail boat, complete with plastic sails and again the bicarbonate of soda, made it go through the water. Those bubbles powering away through the water were magical!
If these toys were all of 3inches long, you were lucky! Nowadays, that kind of toy would probably be banned, because a child could stick the whole thing up their nose or in their ear.
Funny thing is, I don't ever remember me or any of my pals having the urge to do that very thing!!
We were easily amused, were we not?


New member
My big thing is that you would pick you sneakers (trainers to you, Kathleen and all you UKers) by which one had the best toy. Each store in the area carried a different brand, so you'd make you mom go to each one to see who had the better prize. I remember one year it was a puzzle decoder ring with a pair of PF Flyers... whoo hoo... We were easily amused...



New member
Angela, No I don't! But do you remember Tufty and the green cross code? I think it was toothpaste that one came with!
Then there was Robertsons jam with the golly on the jar? I used to have the wee badge on my school blazer! lol


Super Moderator
No I don't remember Tufty, must be after my time :rolleyes:
But I do remember the Robertsons jams!!

Lisa@Caeles Hills

New member
Remember those wonderful soaps in an animal shape that got fuzzy when you used them and then in the middle was a toy? I LOVED those! I still have a tin cracker box filled with my favorites of these little toys and I refuse to give them up!


New member
I remember well the Robertsons jam Golly.I had one on my school blazer as well. (Originally from Newmarket