Medication question


New member
Gunny will be 12 later this month and he is having some trouble getting up. On days when I feel he needs it I give him rimady. Sometimes it upsets his stomach and the vet is switching him to gabapenti. I have never used this drug on any of my newfs. I would like your thoughts and suggestions before I use it.



Active member
Elvis was on both when he needed his TPLO and it took a month to get him into OSU to have it done. He was definitely pain free during that time, but since he was on both I'm not sure if only one was working. He didn't have any side effects and we were able to get it really cheap from Walgreens.


New member
I haven't used it on my Newfs but we used it for our Lab when he had TPLO and he tolerated it well.
My friend has used gabapentin on her Basset Hounds. I don't think she noticed much difference. That and Rimadyl are two totally different type drugs. Have you tried Deramaxx in place of Rimadyl maybe?? But I think you have to stay off Rimadyl to try another in the same class of drugs.


New member
Have you tried Tumeric? Its all natural anti-inflammatory. As for a pain, you could use something less harsh on his system. Rymadyl, although a good med, is very harsh on their organs.
Google Golden Paste. Its a recipe used with Tumeric


Active member
Gabapentin worked well on Max and was well tolerated.

Gold paste springs to mind to try as well as microlactin


New member
One of my Labs has been on it twice a day for terminal cancer pain --- since the first of October, and she's had absolutely no problems, and stranger still she's still alive. They gave her three weeks. Hmmmmm. It's a miracle drug - maybe.


New member
Gracie is 12 and on 225mg of Previcox, once a day. Somedays she only gets 1/2 a pill. She is tolerating it well and is much improved as far a pain seems to be relieved. I got it at Fosters and Smith by prescript from my vet. It was about 1/2 the price as buying it at the vet's office or anywhere else.


New member
Thank you for all the input. I have started Gunny on the gabapentin. He is going to the vet in 2 weeks for a re-check on his ear infection. I will see how he does on the medicaton and then discuss it with my vet.