

New member
Sweet Mango 1-26-96 - 9-12-03

I visited with Mango for a while yesterday evening, and told the vet what time my husband would be home, approx. 8-8:30pm and asked if anyone would be there so he could see her.
He said he could meet us there at 9:30pm.
We sat for a few minutes in the parking lot, the vet came, went around the back to go in and let us in, and when he came he told us she had passed away. She was still warm...he said it couldn't have been more than a few minutes...

I am having alot of difficulty deciding if we should bury her, or cremate..
I would rather cremate her, but I have no clue how to explain that to an 8 yr old.
He said we should bury her next to Grampa.. :(
If someone could point us in the right direction, as to how to talk to him about creamation....please do asap.....

I cannot believe this happened, and I have an enormous hole in my heart....



New member
Elizabeth I'm so sorry for all of you. I know you'll all miss Mango terribly. On the bury vs. cremate question, I can only tell you my experience with our son when he was about 8.

We were moving to Virginia and his hamster died. He didn't want to bury him and them move. As a matter of fact he wanted to dig up all the hermit crabs, finches, etc. we had already buried in the back yard. I vetoed exhuming them, but we compromised by taking the hamster to get cremated so he could move with us. I don't think the pet cemetary had ever cremated a hamster before :rolleyes: but they were very understanding when I explained we were moving and my son didn't want to leave him.

If your family has a chance of having to move as we do, perhaps cremation is a way to be sure you can keep Mango with you as long as you want. You can always bury the ashes later if you wish to.

Sorry you've got such a rough time right now


New member
Elizabeth, I'm so sorry. It's unbearable when this happens. There's nothing I can say to make you feel better, but time will take away some of the pain.

We had Allie cremated and I have a heart-shaped necklace urn I wear and a glass urn we had made which is on the mantel. It has helped a little knowing that a physical part of her is here.

We explained to our children that Allie has gone to heaven and we wanted to have a physical reminder of her here. They have not really asked too many questions about the cremation. They seem to understand it enough.

Again, I'm so sorry.



New member

I am so sorry about least now she is not in any pain...she is running free playing with all the other dogs over the bridge...about your son...if you have her cremated you could still bury her...we did that with our there is still a place to visit and remember..hope this helps a little


New member
Elizabeth, I am so sorry for the physical loss of little Mango. I think most of us know the hole in your heart from when our pets or family members have crossed the brige. You are all in my thoughts.
When Beauregard passed I had him cremated. He now sits on our dresser with his picture and his collar. I do not have 2 legged children, but you could explain cremation as a way to always have mango in the house where he had always been, as part of the family.


Inactive Member
Elizabeth...I am so very sorry for your loss... I dont have any children , so i really cant pass along to much help there...I do agree with NewfLove's approach/ far as you will be able to keep Mango with you till you find a special place for him. I lost 2 of my furbabies last year to the rainbow bridge....and i felt the same as NewfLoves child...I could not leave them behind if i moved. I had both of them cremated and eventually I will bury them in Rhode Island where my paternal grandparents is a family plot where i will be buried. That way i know all my babies will lay at rest with me... My prayers are with you and your family at this time...


New member
thank you.... we explained in the simplest of terms what cremation was, without being scary, told about other pets, said it was just another way.... he is ok with it. doesn't understand it really, but i told him that's ok, that it's hard to understand. :(



New member
I just started reading of Mango on the other thread and was so saddened to hear of her passing on. I was just cleaning up my old computer the other day and came across pics of sweet Mango and Gracie you had several years ago. Please accept my deepest sympathy. I do hope in time all of Mango's sweet memories will help ease all of your familys pain.
Mary & "Gracie"

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess
Oh Elizabeth,

I am so very very sorry to hear that poor little Mango has crossed the brige.... I was so hoping he'd make it....

As for cremation, when I was younger, I used to think it was weird when someone kept a loved one's ashes on the mantle, or somewhere close....

The key to that is "USED TO"...

When Sadie died, we got her ashes, and for me it was very very comforting. My Mom had given me a ceramic newf cookie jar the Christmas before, and I was using it for doggie treats. Well Russell decided that it was the appropirate resting place for Sadie's ashes, because the newf on the cookie jar is dressed like a clown, and Sadie was definitely a clown.

So, that's where she rests... and watches over all of us. It's been a huge comfort, and knowing that she'll always be with us.


New member
I'm so sorry to hear that Mango has passed on. The pain must be overwhelming right now :( I will be praying for you and your family.

As far as the cremains/burial. It's entirely up to you of course. Cemetaries do not allow animals to be buried in the place (as far as I remember) but there are a lot of pet cemetaries if you'd like to look into burial. Cremation (which I opted for with Khiori) will give you a reprieve from making a decision right away - allowing you to decide where Mango's remains should rest. Or if you'd like them spread some place special. Or even if you'd like to have them with you until your passing. For me, my wishes have run the gammet of situations. Your son will most likely be satisfied with the simplest of answers - if he even asks in depth.


New member
I'm so very sorry Elizabeth. My condolences. I have been thinking of her since I was raised with Yorkies. I truly feel for your loss. I hope you all can stay strong, especially your son. We have cremated all the dogs and they are in the curio in pretty urns. Again, I am sorry.


New member
I'm sorry for your loss. I know that cremation was how we went with our black lab jake. It was a hard cold febuary and we decided because of that but, I love that he sits on our gun cabinet next to his picture.
Brenda and maggie :(


New member
Oh lizzie
my heart goes out to you.
i am so sorry, mango is in a good place now, if i were you i would cremate her, and if it helps your son, place a pic of her on the container of choice, maybe a brass plate to.
he may understand or not, but once he gets older, he will.
i understand the hole in the heart all to well.
take care my friend, i am only an email away.
i am so sorry i didnt see this thread sooner.


Inactive Member
I've cremated all of my dogs, and the last one was this past July. I still haven't spread his ashes in my prairie grass, but...when I do, I will then spread the ashes of all the others.

It hurts so bad to "lose" a dog!


Inactive Member

I just got home from a long weekend away and am sorry to hear of Mango. Was going to check last night to see how she was...

I have an 11 year old human child... my lab, 14 years old, has a liver tumor and severe arthristis. I'm going to have her cremated so that when we leave our home to a new one, we can take our beloved Boozer dog with us, as well as her stone.

I have not gone into the details of what cremations really is. Just that most of our bodies are actually 90% water and what's left is the ashes... he seems to understand this... but he is also older than your child.

Again, I'm so sorry to hear of little Mango. Our pets never really leave us, I believe. In fact, I believe that when we cross over our own bridge they are there with our other loved ones, canine-feline-equine- and humans, to welcome us home.

Please know in your heart you loved her with everything you had and she knew that.

God bless you at this difficult time -



Inactive Member
Sorry to hear about Mango.

When our lab Alex died last year we had him cremated and selected a cherry urn that had a place for his picture on the front. Alex and my 5 year old grandson were very close and he still talks about him alot. We just say that the box is a picture holder to help us remember Alex and leave it at that.

Good luck and we share your pain.

Jim & Yogi