Madison Has Left Home


New member
My friend called last night to say "Maddy", her 11 year old Newf had left quietly yesterday morning. She was a lovely old lady, dignified to the last. Her Newf partner had been with her at my house just a couple of days previously and was so tender, standing watch over her and licking her face. Guess he was saying good bye too. She was his adopted "Mom". Maddy's owner wrote this and sent it to me just a few days ago:

> TO MADDY (on Mother's Day, May 11, 2003)
> It all started with that
> rumbling sound in your throat-
> a long time ago
> was it 2 or 3 years ago?
> Since then, you've devoured sacks of
> Pro-Plan, biscuits, rawhide chews
> Life went on
> And to be with you, that bitterly cold
> October 28th, 2001, with Jude,
> hiking to Stratton Pond- in snow
> up to my ankles.
> So it's now come to this-
> and I give you Flor-Essence
> Burdock root, sheep sorrel, slippery elm,
> watercress, Turkish rhubarb root, kelp,
> red clover and blessed thistle
> A Canadian Ojibwa healer claimed it will
> purify the body and place you in balance
> with the great spirit.
> I am a believer, against all odds.
> It is Mother's Day and you are with me now,
> today... one day at a time-
> You, warm, strong and beautiful.
> I am your mom, today and for always.

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess

Thanks for posting about Madison... the poem her Mom wrote is very beautiful. Madison sounds like she was a grand lady... and I'm sure she'll be missed by all those who knew and loved her. I wish I had gotten to meet her.....



New member
Please convey our condolences to Maddy's Mom. This is the hardest part of being a "parent" to such a loving creature. Having to say goodbye....


New member
what a wonderful poem by maddy's momma. It is obvious how much she was loved by her family and how they worked to provide the best path for her across the rainbow bridge. Still, this does not make it any easier. Let Maddy's people know they are in my prayers as is she.


New member
This just breaks my heart. The grief can be unbearable, absolutely overwhelming. I am so sorry to hear this and she will be in my prayers. The first few days are torture and the rest is just pure hell. Please, please have her contact me if she needs someone to talk to or needs suggestions re: grief support and books. There are no words to describe how one feels when their precious, best friend Newfie leaves.



New member
Thank you Dianne, I will pass along your message and condolences. Madison is the 4th Newf this family has lost over the years. They still have wonderful,magnificent Jude --a Giant if ever there was one. So they have dealt with death and grieving before, but it hurts every time. They are a very special family and I wouldn't be surprised if another pup doesn't one day appear in their home --for it is a home and not a house. Thanks again everyone. I know they will appreciate the thoughts and prayers. Anne


New member
Please express my sympathies to your friends. I certainly can appreciate the grief they are feeling at the moment. Having more newfs at home helps, but you still miss the things that made the one you lost special...
