Lose the puppy coat?


New member
Whwn do newfs lose their puppy coat? Crycket has one spot of "real hair" on tail since birth and is starting to look funny as she is getting bigger. Also noticing a bit more fluff on the carpet. She is about 5 1/2 months old.


New member
Mila started at about 5 months, with a shiny little section at the base of her tail that grew and grew...I'd say it took nearly a year for the whole process to finish.


New member
Moosh's coat looked odd until she was over a year old... especially since she blew her coat just after her first birthday. I'd say she looked like a proper adult, with good coat and size at about 17/18 months.


Inactive User
Moose's started at his tail too, I just didn't know what the deal was! It looked awful, but I didn't know if it's just because his tail is weird anyway. Now he's 8 months and has adult coat all over (above his shoulders is where it is the prettiest so far, nice long guard hairs). The only spots he still has some puppy coat is on the sides of his back legs, on the feathers on his front legs, a bit on his chest, and on his ears (which I had petsmart cut off). Hang in there, the puppy uglies don't last very long!


New member
Suki is another that starter her adult coat with that spot on her tail too. It eventually creeped along the top of her pack and without me realizing it engulfed the rest of her.

Part of me still wonders if her tail and feathers will get the shiny adult coat fur or stay the duller but pouffy fur that is there now. She's beautiful to me either way, but she's my first newf and I'm not sure what the norm is. She's 1 1/2 now.


New member
The transition can be comical to watch! this is Obie at about 8 months.. a crazy mix of fading, tired puppy coat and shiny big-boy newfy! Boy, was I glad when this stage was over!


New member
We went through the "fuzzy uglies" with our pom. I think the puppy coat is neat but right now the start of mixed coat is not a lady-like appearance. :)


New member
Maggies started on her tail too, and she was the most awkward looking thing for a long time....to make it worse, her back was all wavy, and she had a cowlick on her head. ( It's still there!) They do even out eventually.


New member
Raleigh has literally started these past couple of days. At first, I thought he'd got mud all over the carpet and then I realised it was bits of fur :p Moulting like a beast, I don't think I've ever ingested so much animal fur haha.