little "BIG" brag


New member
I just heard from Owen's breeder. She and her husband are the ones who show Owen. Owen was entered in a show today in Syracuse, NY. He took Best of Winners. I'm not really sure what that means exactly, but I know he took a couple points and They were really excited. Not bad for a beloved "PET". (I guess I'd better start learning all the show lingo).

Edited my jggrosch to change that "little" to a BIG because BOW is something to shout to the world.

[ 11-11-2004, 10:35 PM: Message edited by: jggrosch ]

DreamTime Newfs

New member
Congrats Kelly and Owen!! Owen is just beautiful!! I was going to enter Baxter in Syracuse. I wish I did. I would have loved to see Owen!!


New member

Congratulations! Going Best of Winners (BOW) means Owen was the best non-Champion or "class" Newfoundland of both sexes there today. Besides being the best male or "Winners Dog" Owen was judged to be "better" than the best female or "Winners Bitch" thus "Best of Winners". If the Winners Bitch earned more points than Owen did as Winners Dog then by going Best of Winners Owen upped the number of points he earned to equal that of the Winners Bitch.

Clear as mud I know! Anyway you look at it, Owen did good. Good luck the rest of the weekend!



Super Moderator
Congratulations!! Won't be long before you can put that CH in front of his name.

You are so right--they are our pets first and foremost.


New member
Wow, that is wonderful
The day that I get best of winners with Tulsa, I will be on the ground. You did fantastic, Owen


Inactive Member
Originally posted by Kelly:
Not bad for a beloved "PET". (I guess I'd better start learning all the show lingo).
:D Don't know show lingo, myself, long as ya'll have fun with yer pet...that's all that counts, IMO! ;) Congrat's!


New member
Thanks everyone! Owen has a couple days off to relax and then he is entered again on Sunday. I'll let you know how he does. I'm going to drive down and meet him in Syracuse and bring him home. I can't wait to see him. He has only been gone a couple days but I miss him A LOT.

ROM Newf

New member
Congrats on the win!!
He probably got 2 points- there were 4 dogs and 9 bitches entered plus 1 specials dog(assuming everyone showed up)- which is 1 point for dogs and 2 points for bitches. I think Amy is spending the time up there in her crate. She only needs her majors and if all the bitches aren't there on Saturday or Sunday, the major is broken.


New member
Congratulations to Owen!!! That's so exciting Kelly...I know you're thrilled, and will be so happy to see him!

(You know how I feel about Owen...he was our Best of Winners too! And, as we all know...every Newf is a MAJOR winner!! :D )


New member
Just walked in the door from picking Owen up at the show in Syracuse. He didn't get any points today. He came in second then got reserve. Does that make sense to any of you out there? He was good as gold and was so excited to see me. He walked out of the ring, licked me to death, then plopped down on the concrete floor like only a Newfie can do! It's good to have him home!


New member
Owen from Illinois sends a BIG YAHOOOOOOO to Owen for doing such a GREAT JOB! As far as his placement today.... DIFFERENT DAY DIFFERENT JUDGE!! No matter what HE DID AWESOME.. Great achievement to a great boy!!


New member
I'd be so proud. Id be tellin every body!! Even the people in the line at the grocery store!!!! Even if they didn't care!! Thats very cool!