List of Newfie Questions


New member
I propose that new Newfie owners be given a list of the questions they will encounter from people that perhaps have never had the pleasure of meeting a Newfie.

I'm used it now, but at first I couldn't believe how many times we were asked "Is he a St. Bernard?", "How much does he weigh?" "How much does he eat?" "Where does he sleep?" and "Do you have a gigantic house?"

Well, I just had a debate with a gentlemen while out on our walk who insisted that Oso (who is 170lb.) was a Border Collie! wait for it.... Newfoundlands don't "come" in black & white.

What are some your all time favorite questions?


New member
I get asked all the time...."Is he a black St. Bernard?". It drives me batty!

Here are some others:

"Does he shed?"
"How much does he weigh?"
"Are you walking a black bear?"
""Does he sleep in your bed?"
"How much does he eat?"
"Who's walking who?"
Does he bite? Someone once told me to answer, "No, he swallows whole."

Does he shed a lot. I say, I think labs are a lot worse. You pet a lab, and you have a hand full of fur.

Does he slobber?

Do you ride him?


Active member
Who is walking who?
Are they eating you out of house and home?
It's as big as a horse, can my kid ride him?
What is it?
OMG, it's foaming at the mouth!
Are they friendly?, Can I pet them?


New member
Ours are constantly.

Does he shed a lot.
Does he drool a lot.
Does he sleep in the bed.
Is he a, Burnese, Sheep, Bear, Horse, Pyr, insert anything but a Newf here..
Does he eat a lot.
What does he weigh.


New member
How in the world can you afford to feed him?
Sometimes they just run because Tsunami is so eager to greet them.
How big will he get?
How much does he weight?
Goodness thats not a dog, thats a bear!


New member
Oh, and

"How big is his poop? You must need a shovel"
"Why did you get such a big dog?"
"Do you have saddle for him?"
"How do you walk him? Doesn't he pull you?"
"What does it sound like when he barks?"


New member
I once thought Lucy was somebody's holstein calf, coming around the bend in our driveway! I had forgotten that I'd let her out the front, and suddenly she came trotting around the bend. You know, when you aren't expecting to see them, they can look surprisingly large.

We have had people insist that Lucy is a border collie "mixed with something BIG". I've had people tell me that they have friends of friends who raise St. Bernards (assuming that's what ours are).

People have asked if they are good guard dogs. Hmmmmm....well, if Maggie sleeping against the front door, so that nobody goes in or out makes her a guard dog, then I guess so. Although, I do believe Brenna would eat somebody right down to their shoelaces, if she thought we were in trouble.

I love it when people say "I've heard they shed a little". Hahahahahahaha. Understatement of the year!


New member
I was in petsmart and an older guy came up to me and said is that a newfundlund. I started to laugh, he also told me how big he was gonna get and did I know what I was in for. I replied and said, yes I do, I have 5 adult newfs at home, he actually gave me a dirty look and walked away!


Active member
I get whose walking whom a lot. My answer to that is that Vinnie knows the business that he needs to get done, so I let him go where he wants. :p

I have also had people get offended when I tell them no, he is not a St. Bernard, he is a Newfoundland that's a recessive color.


New member
I still think I win the prize for stupidity.. Are you ready for it???

" Is that a Dalmatian" ?? :!rolling: :!rolling: :!rolling: :!rolling:


New member
Just got in from a hike, and some jerk just asked me, "aren't they supposed to be taller than that?" Are you serious! THAT was a first.


New member
We constantly hear:

What a cute St Bernard puppy! (we've also heard the comment that Newfs don't come in black and white)

Do you know how big those dogs are gonna be?

Are you gonna saddle them up and ride them to work?

There's no way that can be a puppy!

We've also met our share of people who are afraid of them. It's sad because our puppies are the friendliest dogs ever!


New member
I've gotten a few.
Is that a lab mix?
That's a beautiful Chow mix!
What does she eat? 20 cups a day?
Are her feet really that big? (that was the dumbest!!)
She can't be a newf..she has white on her foot

R Taft

Active member
I must travel in a different community as I only get asked occasionally what breed is your dog or is that a newf............They either have no idea and don't second guess or they know. Can I pet your dogs? Is the most common question i get here. My answer always is yes, if they are allowed to sniff you.............. It gets a laugh from some people, but most allow the little hand sniff first. I have been doing this more for Annabelle, to give her time and she very happy with this system


New member
Generally "Is that a Bear?!" or some variation there-of. Or "She must eat a lot!" or "How much does she weigh?" ... like you'd wanna ask these things of any girl! Sheeesh!