Kona goes Kayaking


New member
Very cute! Looks like a very fun day.I did this in a sit inside but the passers by never sent the photo. ;( Turns out they can jump off without capsizing the boat as long as you don't try and stop them.


New member
Great picture! Still trying to figure out the best kind of kayak or hybrid boat to buy for my growing Newfie. He doesn't fit in the yellow one anymore. Will try a Wilderness Systems Pamlico 135T, a tandem that converts to solo + dog.

How much does Kona weigh?


New member
Kona is about 120 now. She can sit spilling over the seat and couldn't figure out how to lay down. I think she could if she turned the other way. Whe got this one with the pedals for fun exercise for my husband and I. If I got one for just me and the dog, I think they would be more comfortable with the sit inside too.


New member
I asked the question on a paddling forum months ago and one guy drilled holes in a sit-on-top so his dog could paw paddle and assist. Thinking of that for Orka, but of course must wait until he's approximately full grown so the holes are in the right places.

Looked at a platform but the manufacturer emailed that it would be too small for a full grown Newfie.

Absolutely LOVE to kayak and want to bring a water rescue pal, LOL

Does Kona want to jump in the water and swim?

When you got out, did she head into the water?


New member
I wouldn't have thought about their being able to assist, but that would be fun!

I did worry if she jumped off she wouldn't be able to climb back aboard. She would have had to swim home... :)

We are lucky that we live on this little lake. She likes to swim, mostly when I am in the water or we put their life jackets on and they swim next to us when we kayak. Quite a site... LOL. We are going to do water training, but she isn't really keen on jumping off the dock yet. She walked on the kayak from the dock, this kayak is very stable... when we got back to the dock, she just walked off. That was her first ride last nite, I am anxious to see if she hops right when we try again.


New member
You both look fantabulous! and oh wow you LIVE on that lake, providential!

What's Kona's swimming endurance while you kayak? Distance? Time?

Imagine a Newfie would like to swim beside, then rest on land, then swim, then ride in kayak, alternating, wonder if that's correct?


New member
RCantor, Seaman's Day is tomorrow! I've been thinking about you. Lynn put in a request for vacation a couple months ago and just had 2 weeks but had to go back to work yesterday. So I can't go tomorrow, but hopefully every year thereafter. Her work had some important meetings she couldn't get out of.


New member
We don't go very far with them swimming, it's new for us so I don't want to take them too far. So far, they go about 10 minutes will add more time if they don't tire. That is why I add the life jackets, so they can go easy ... kinda floating.

I am not sure how long to let them swim, so try and be careful. Would be intersted to know how far/long is OK for these guys.... as they really like it.


New member
That looks like fun, I am going to figure out how to take my Tiki with me in the rivers of the S Jersey Pinebarrens, I bet he would have fun!


New member
Your picture totally inspired me. We had record rainfall and cold until July, really cold water, drownings every day due to hypothermia, but Orka's been wading and splashing in various rivers and lakes almost every evening. I haven't gone in too deep, but just ordered a new wetsuit with long legs (record mosquito infestation, look like a pincushion) and am mapping a way to walk to the nearest lake. Also arranged to demo a couple kayaks that might work, a huge tandem (remove front seat) sit-in and a big tandem sit-on-top.

Just determined to kayak with my pup a LOT! Major desire in life.

Whatever kayak, it will need to have closed cell foam carved to fill gaps and a traction mat placed over that for zee doggie.

This is going to make me learn to drive. About the only thing that could.

Annette, please keep us updated! Thanks! :dance01:


New member
Our first newf Kimber, adored kayaking. We got a Walden two person kayak because the front seat came out easily and there was no rail in the floor. We had a lot of great times kayaking. It's so great seeing other newfs kayaking.

Here's a picture of Kimber kayaking on the potomac.