Kilrain at Agility


Tough taking pictures while we are doing the class with Kilrain and Katala but here are two of Kilrain on the A-Frame



New member
I'll have to bring someone else to just take pictures. We are kept too busy during the class to take them ourselves.

Katala's heaven will be filled with agility equipment. She doesn't really even want the treats. She just wants to be allowed to climb on the equipment.

Kilrain like the tunnel and the weave poles a lot. He's not so crazy about the equipment that requires climbing. Ironically he like the teeter-totter better than the A-frame. He does enjoy the classes though and can't wait to go.

Kilrain would definately need to take agility again. Katala will be ready to move up. I'd love to be able to just turn her loose on the course by herself. She'd have a ball.

We have them both starting a Nose work class this Thursday. I think they'll both enjoy that one!


New member
Thanks for posting pix! Fun good work-outs for Newfs. Maybe you can arrange solo time to turn Katala loose and video her!


New member
Bring some equipment to the beach and show us in person!! That's so cool. Glad he's having such a good time!