Just Venting


New member
Roo is such a picky eater, I've complained about him before when he was a puppy that he would ignore most snacks and he is now 1 1/2 yrs old and Well he seems to be getting worse. Just this morning I made him 2eggs with a hotdog along with 3cups of taste of the wild dog food. He walks over after it had been sitting for 5 minutes sniff walks away, I added some ketchup, same thing sniff walks away, I added some toast, He eats the toast and walks away, I then added some pizza and finally he eats almost everything. This happens with eggs and bacon, noodles and grave, chicken cutlets pasta and even steak. He passes on cheese's and most dog treats. I've given him bagels or even treats he does like to eat and he takes them into the living room and comes back after 10 min and the item is sitting in the middle of the living room floor. I sometimes will throw a towel down under his bowl of food and it he doesnt like the food he will cover the bowl with the towel as if to hide it.
Last Sunday I made a big pot of chicken vegetable soup well he had that for 5 meals in a row and eat every bit. I cannot keep making chicken soup all the time..... I've never had a dog that wasnt motivated by food which makes it challenging to train, he knows his commands but stubborn.

I find this to be so frustrating he would rather not eat and skip a meal than eat what I would consider a good meal. Roo is on the thin side but not skinny I would like to see him about 5-10 lbs heavier.

I find him to be very draining when it comes down to what shall I make for him and will he eat it!

Like I said "Just Venting" and thanks for listening :( and excuse any typos .


New member
Sorry for your experience...my dogs don't have that problem. but, my daughter in law does with her lab. She has to cook all her meals also and she won't eat too. She gets frustrated also. No solutions I am afraid...


Active member
I don't know, I guess I believe that if he's hungry, he will eat. I would stop adding in all those extras and just offer a good quality dog food. If he doesn't eat it in 30 minutes, take it away. I think he's got you wrapped around his paw. He knows if he walks away from an egg that he will get pizza. Shoot, I'd walk away too if I knew pizza was next!

These dogs are super smart and (trust me on this), I would much rather have a slightly underweight newf than an overweight one!!


New member
Agree with Maggie and Elizabeth. My kids were treated same too....LOL. If they didn't like it, they could leave it, but no treats...they didn't go hungry too long. Traveler is same age as yours and he leaves his food at times too. He is 116 lbs, but full of life and energy. If he doesn't eat breakfast I put the dish up. He doesn't skip too many meals now. By dinner time he practically inhales his meal and is back on track the next morning.


New member
I must say I also agree with Maggie on this. If mine have not eaten there breakfast in 30 mins I take it up. They nearly always the eat there dinner, but I know it;s distressing when they don't eat, but a dog wont starve it's self

MC Sullivan

New member
I agree with Maggie too! Don't leave the food down for too long if he doesn't eat. Pick it up and no treats. As long as he isn't sick I wouldn't worry about him missing a meal or two.


New member
our Sula is 10 months old and she is the 1st dog i have ever had who doesnt eat every last scrap of food she is offered. somedays she wont touch a bite other days she will eat every last bit. when she was a very young pup i would give her things to entice her. these days her biscuits get left down for 10 mins and if she doesnt eat i take them up until next feeding time xxx

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
It does sound like he is holding out for something better. I give my dogs goodies or leftovers, but not with their bowl of food. I give it later.


New member
Agree with everyone else...The more you coddle the pickier they get. Did this with my shih tzu years ago, before I learned that she would eat long before she starved to death.


New member
I am of two minds on this. I had to start adding to Moonlight's food because she's on that nasty urinary diet that is all corn - can't do anything about it, but if she doesn't eat in 5 minutes - it's gone. Adding too many extras can just spoil them. Mine get veggies and that's pretty much it. Moonlight was never food driven, but lately at 9 she's become a chow hound and eats like a Lab. No clue why.


New member
Agree with everyone else...The more you coddle the pickier they get. Did this with my shih tzu years ago, before I learned that she would eat long before she starved to death.

Also agree with this.

Bernie gets his kibble in a treat ball,so he has to work for it,I put the ball down and just leave him to it,also a great way to slow feeding down lol sometimes I do the hiding game with his kibble too,to make it fun for him.


New member
Agree - one of mine once in a while won't eat breakfast. I take it up when I am ready to leave for work so the other won't eat it and by dinner, she is ready to eat.


New member
I commizerate with you, as I don't have that problem. Mine is I have dogs that love Sea Food, you know SEE FOOD - EAT FOOD!