Joint supplements


New member
Moya's breeder recommended Glyco-flex which finally came in the mail right before she had surgery. The animal hospital gave me Cosequin for the same purpose (they think that's better for her). I am giving her the Cosequin instead right now.

Anyone have any experience with these or have an opinion of one over the other? What about price and availability?

[ 08-20-2002, 06:39 AM: Message edited by: NutzyCat ]


New member
hi there
i did not care for glycoflex, but that is just myself.
i prefer the gluc chond beepollen from you might be better off with their tablets over there, called fresh factors than glycoflex.

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
Damian - I give Rory the human kind of glucosamine/chondroitin complex which consists of 500 mg. each of the above. This already has vit C and I add vit E (dry capsule opened up and sprinkled on the kibble). Springtime Inc. has great products, but the Fresh Factors, which I think is designed for older dogs, does not have glucosamine and not a lot of chondroitin. I use it for my older lab. The human kind of gluc/chon is the same as the canine variety, but cheaper and easier to get.


New member
We use "synovi-MSM" which we get from the vet. It also has Vit C. I think it is quite pricey, but buying from the vet I guess it would be. This does not have the chondroiton in it.


New member
So does anyone have any idea why one might be better than another? Why do you give the ones you recommendation?


New member
I've bought some glucosamine/chondroitin complex pills for hubby Joe, who's shoulders have been bugging him, but am considering putting Bubba on them too. They're 500 mg of each plus MSM. Does this sound OK to everyone? :( At least I can be sure Bubba will take them, Joe is a different story ;)

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
I use Fresh Factors from Springtimeinc, but everything else (gluc/chond, vit E, Ester C) all come from my health food store where I buy my vitamins. I also think they are a little stronger in strengh, purer, and cheaper than their doggy counterpart.


New member
So I can get the gluc/chond from a drug store? I never looked for it as I only got educated on that stuff recently. The cosequin from the vet costs $70 for a 45 day supply. There's got to be something cheaper than that.
I use Glucosamine & Chondroitin with MSM from (for humans) It's in chewable form (raspberry)...he loves it...takes it like a treat. Each pill is 750 mg Glucosamine, 600 mg chondroitin, and 100 mg MSM. This works better for Dreyfuss than what I was getting at the pet store and is alot cheaper.



New member
I got mine from the health store too. My friend owns it, so it's waaay cheaper :D (first one free). I compared it to the vet or pet store and it's 1/2 the price in a health store.


New member
How much gluco/chond pills do you give your newf per day? We have been giving Yogi 1500mg per day (3 pills of 500mg each), but recently upped it to 4 pills a day.

Still looking into the shark cartilege, but I want to do more research on it before buying.


New member
Wow! I am only giving Bubba one a day 500mg each, but admit I have no clue about these things. I'm curious to see what others say too.

[ 09-06-2002, 12:48 PM: Message edited by: Bubba'sMom ]


New member
Angus has been on Glyco-Flex for 8 years now. He has no hips, and of late, he cries from the pain, literally, when he has not been taking it. It was recommended to us by Debbie Summers of Skimeister Kennels. We have had great luck with it. Personally I like it since it is all natural.



New member
I read on a few websites about shark cartilege that it decreases new blood vessels from developing. Would this then be bad to give to a growing puppy?


New member
Thought I would just let you know that the supps seem to be helping Jake I am seeing some small changes already. As far as the shark cartilage and growth goes it hasn't seemed to slow Jakes growth down one bit :rolleyes: even with only feeding 3 cups a day he is now up to 103lbs. I give him plenty of veggies between meals because the poor boy is considering counter surfing of late to see if he can find any food there :eek: . Even Linda noticed some changes when she and I met to take the kids swimming so again thanks so much for all the help you have given Jake so far.

Diane and Jake


New member
Any more information that you find out about the shark cartilege would be most helpful, thank you! When we took Yogi to the beach last week---which he LOVED because there were plenty of dogs around for him to play with---he would limp every day after a romp on the sand. I've also noticed that he bears more weight on his back right leg, probably to compensate for the slight dysplasia in his left hip. So needless to say, we are quite worried and would do just about anything to keep him healthy as possible.

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
I looked into supplements last year for my son that gets migraine headaches. He was 13. Everyone told me that supplements should not be given to children, since there really was not a lot of research done on how children metabolize them, and how they would effect a growing, developing body. Also the dosages were not that exact, and had not really been perfected for children. It seemed like a grey area to me, so I did not give them to my son, but it is an interesting topic to research. I'd be curious to see what you find out, Karen.


New member
Karen, ditto to what Diane said. I listened to you a while back and put my Molly on some of the supplements. This was pre-Gracie problems. Molly did worry me, she was finding it difficult to get up in the evening, would often bark and ask me to help her up off the floor, just basically scarey symptoms. I had fed her Nutro puppy for large breeds, re my vet's advice during those first very important months until I learned here not to. And she grew in leaps and bounds.... certainly too fast for her own good.

But here's the good news. She's been on supplements for approx. 3/4 months now (she just turned 1 the end of Aug). She's getting up by herself without asking for help ever. She's JUMPING onto the bed, something she never ever had the strength to do. In fact she couldn't use her back legs enough to push off and put her front legs up that high. She runs and romps with a beautiful gait now and she is overall so much happier because, I'm sure, she feels so good.

I am so grateful to you, Karen, for helping my baby.


New member

Thank you so much! You've made my day
I was so intrigued about the shark cartilege when you mentioned it and the amazing stories on its effects made me perk right up in my chair as I read it. Although, I know that everybody reacts differently to different types of medicines, supplements, etc., this just sounded like a miracle and I wanted to find out more about. Thanks for taking the time to gather more info. I imagine that many people on this board will be so grateful as well. Yogi will be too :D Although, he's been so active and full of energy lately (ie.naughty and getting into everything), maybe I'll have to reconsider giving the shark cartilege supplements ;)

[ 09-11-2002, 03:57 PM: Message edited by: Yogurt ]

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
That is good to know about supplements and children. Some of the herbals I had looked into for my son's headaches were not as well known and I could not get clear answers, so I stayed away from them. But it is good to know.