Is cedar in a dog bed safe?


New member
My wife and I bought a dog bed for Abbie our 6 month old newfie. I am having second thoughts about the cedar in the bed. I had 5 guinea pigs at one point and it was extremely bad for them to use cedar as bedding. The scent of cedar is not heavy, but is noticable if one takes a sniff within a foot of the bed. Is cedar okay for dogs or should they be kept away from it in general?? I'm thinking about returning it tomorrow.



New member
Cedar is fine for dogs, and it is actually good to deter fleas. Its easier on coats and helps reduce odor.


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We have a cedar bed from Costco as our "travel" bed (kept at our cottage). Could not beat it @ $20. I think it smells lovely but Cooper prefers his LLBean XL bed. (We need a "king on the bed" emoticon right here. ;)).
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New member
Sam sleeps on a 'Costco" cedar bed as did Pepper for many years before him. No problem - and smells better then his daily foul gas emissions!!!!!! (I wish the cedar smell was nore potent)!



New member
Thanks for all the great responses. :groovy: I put the bed back in her crate and she went right in to check it out some more. Abbie had a great night sleep and is now awake and wanting to play. :beer:


New member
The cedar oil in the wood chips, for guinea pigs, is toxic because they can ingest them. No cedar shavings or chips for rodents, lizards or snakes. Pine is less toxic but still not recommended. Aspen is perfect :)
If you want to ensure you don't get critters in crawl spaces or attics, soak a few rags in cedar oil and position them every 10 feet or so.
Cedar for closets, chests, and dog beds, is great to deter fleas & other bugs. Plus the bonus of the lovely smell! Every 6 months, or so, take a fine sandpaper to the wood and renew the scent :)