I'm beginning to panic - Elwood update - spindle cell & lar par


Super Moderator
I am just praying that you have not posted because you are busy loving on Elwood and that something bad has not happened. Please post an update soon.
I am just praying that you have not posted because you are busy loving on Elwood and that something bad has not happened. Please post an update soon.
She has been a little active on Facebook in the last 12 hours, but never has mentioned Elwood's issues on her timeline and I don't think active in any newf groups. I sent her a PM she better tell us what is going on. :)


New member
Sorry guys!!!!! I spaced on updating here as sleep has been optional since I got the big guy home. He's doing well, if slow, logey, and drugged to the gills. Both surgeries went fantastic and he's walking, peeing, and pooping like a champ! I, however, am a mess at every throat clearing. His gigantic side incision doesn't seem to be bothering him, thankfully! Since he's got IBS he's on Royal Canin hypoallergenic and with the lar par surgery he's now on canned, so the vegetarian is making meatballs to feed him. This morning I went and got a tiny cookie scoop which is making the meatball production a little easier and thankfully (in Elwood's mind) faster!!!!! Thanks so much for checking in an ALL MY APOLOGIES for being remiss on the updates! He's seeping like a champ right now, and I'll re-update in the am. PROMISE!!!!!!! Smootches all around!!!!!! Michelle
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Great to read things are going good. Hope the Royal Canin hypoallergenic doesn't break the bank. :) My friend's Basset was on it when they were trying to clear a very nasty ear infection. BTW, I have a vegetarian friend who makes liver training treats for her dog she does agility with. You just don't taste test or lick your fingers.


New member
Leonard, that's hysterical! As for the Royal Canin, it's pricey, but it WORKS!!!!! Again, THANKS for all of your suppot guys and APOLOGIES again for spacing on the update! As a Newf.net Jewish mother, checking minutely whenever someone is ill.... I should know you'd worry! PS. Captain Goofball is doing well this am. I just gave him his meds, including one that speeds up the esophagus, that must be taken 30 minutes before he eats. I SWEAR he's counting the minutes!

Great to read things are going good. Hope the Royal Canin hypoallergenic doesn't break the bank. :) My friend's Basset was on it when they were trying to clear a very nasty ear infection. BTW, I have a vegetarian friend who makes liver training treats for her dog she does agility with. You just don't taste test or lick your fingers.
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Super Moderator
Can you soak his dry food. I do Adam's. If not he eats too fast and gags. I usually let is soak for several hours and/or over night. Glad to hear he is doing well. The food must be a sibling thing. Chase inhales her food and cannot wait for the next meal.


New member
Soooo glad to hear he is doing well and all systems are functioning properly.

Please give the big goof some gentle hugs for me.


New member
He seems to be doing great!!! I've picked up a hot/cold compress for his side incision (hoo boy!)and have gotten the Royal Canin canned food meatballing almost to a science...scoop, put in bowl, repeat til the can is empty...pick up lump, roll in hands...offer meatball to Elwood, sticky other hand to Daisy...Voila! Two happy dawgs!


Active member
I'm so relieved to hear how well he is doing. I guess the throat clearing may be an ongoing thing??? Will be sending continued prayers for quick healing.


New member
He continues to progress and last night only woke me up once to pee! He started scratching the incision (which my vet tech bestie says looks GREAT) so I've now got him wearing a Special Olymics volunteer t-shirt. As soon as I size it properly I'll post the photo of him giving me the stink eye!