I'll be a mess tomorrow

luvxl k 9

New member
Cole goes in for neutering. I've really gotten into showing UKC and since both Beau and Cole are CH's, they go into the same class. Now Beau can show regular conformation show and Cole can show in the Altered conformation show. Both boys have multiple Best In Show's under the collars, now I can try for 2 BIS's in the same day with 2 different dogs!! + Mr. Cole still hasn't calmed down any, so I'm hoping this will help in that department too.

Please pray for an easy surgery and a quick recovery!! TIA :crazy:


New member
He'll be just fine. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Cole. (((HUGS))) Keep us updated.
Just asking...why would you have him altered when he's such a good show dog????? I thought if they were altered you couldn't show them. I'm just trying to learn all this stuff.

luvxl k 9

New member
He'll be just fine. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Cole. (((HUGS))) Keep us updated.
Just asking...why would you have him altered when he's such a good show dog????? I thought if they were altered you couldn't show them. I'm just trying to learn all this stuff.
You can't show them in the AKC but in the UKC which we've been doing almost exclusively now they have a separate show for 'altered' dogs. As I said above, this way Beau can show in the regular conformation show and Cole can show in the altered conformation show.
Cole, while very nice, although a bit of a kangaroo in the show ring, just wasn't as much fun to show as his Dad in the AKC, which is why I started showing in the first place. I want to have fun showing my dogs. In the UKC there are no politics, everyone is more laid back and into having fun, making friends and the judges are also more laid back, helpful, friendlier and they actually get to judge dogs!! A novel concept I know but one I highly endorse. ;) I'd like to get at least one of my grandkids interested in showing, and I without a doubt would start them in the UKC where the judges actually take the time to teach and train the juniors and everyone there comes up to root for them.