I could use some advice....


New member
After 20 something years as a stay at home mom, it's time for me to go back to work. I got a call the other day from a vet clinic I'd applied at about 6 weeks ago. She said they wanted me to come in to interview for a vet assistant position. She seemed to imply that she was really interested in me. I went in & met her (the assist mgr) & the office manager on Wed. I thought the interview went OK, and the assist. mgr gave me a tour of the clinic. They asked if I was available to start asap, and I said yes. Then when she walked me to the door she said "we'll get back to you" and that they had a few other people to interview. It was kind of a let down. :(

I've been on pins & needles ever since hoping to get the call. So far I haven't heard anything. A friend of mine said to call them and see if they've decided anything yet, and let them know how interested I am in the job. DH said that these things take time and just wait a while and see what happens. It's been sooo long since I've had a job outside the home, I'm getting confused on what the protocol is now on these kind of things. So.... to call or not to call...that is the question. :D Did I say I REALLY want this job?

luvxl k 9

New member
I'd call! A lot of employers wait to see who is really interested enough in the position to call them back. At this point NO news isn't necessarily good news.


New member
Thanks everyone! You definitely convinced me. I called & spoke with the assistant manager. I thanked her for meeting with me and asked if she had any follow up questions for me. She was very kind and said they were in the process of checking references and figuring out schedules. She assured me that I am still "in the running" so that was good news.
Thanks again for all the advice. You guys are awesome! I'll let you know when I hear anything. In the meantime..prayers & good thoughts will be greatly appreciated.

Fat finger spelling edit.

[ 08-25-2006, 03:07 PM: Message edited by: B&L'sMom ]


New member
Good for you, Amy. Keeping paws, toes, fingers and eyes crossed for you. I was terrified going back to work after 20 years out too. You're doing just fine!!


New member
I'm glad you called. Bet you feel a little better at least? Good luck! I hope you get it and enjoy it.


New member
hey woman
even if you dont get this job, wich i hope you do, they will have another opening.
just keep your ears open and contact them on a monthly basis.
i had the opportunity to work at my vet clinic this past month, but the zoo is more important to me, and she said no sweat, that she could use me for winter and have college kids in summer.
keep the hope and keep positive!

KS Newf

New member
I will pray you get this, and I know the feeling of "pins and needles." I say that if it doesn't work out the way you want it to, things always work out for the best in the long run, and something better is ahead. We see the threads but not the tapestry a lot of the time. However, tons of positive wishes and prayer coming your way. It really does sound hopeful in my opinion. I'm so glad you called!


New member

I am a corporate recruiter. Good move to call them.

Don’t be surprised if they do not call you back. That is the hard part of hiring - telling the runners up they didn’t get it, and no one likes to make those calls. Except sickos like me! I love to ruin people’s days! Just kidding. I hate those calls.

Laura recently went back to work after 20 years at home. If you don’t get the job DO NOT get discouraged. It just means that it was not the right thing for you. Keep trying and keep your head up. Always go in with confidence and a good positive attitude.

Always follow up after a reasonable amount of time. Don’t follow up more than twice a week. More than that and you may be seen as a pest. There are a lot of things that go on behind the scene when making a hiring decision. Personally, I think companies should hire more workers like you. Returning moms make good employees. After all, if you can run a household, you can do anything!

Go get em!



New member
I hope you get the job. I think it was a good idea to call. When I was Communications Supervisor at my Department, I had a an opportunity to hire several Dispatchers. The hardest thing was selecting the best candidate out of the good one's that applied. The worst thing is letting the one's who were good candidates but did not get the position know that they wern't slected. Hang-in there were rooting for you!