How do they....


New member
go from this:

to this:

in just 17 years?

My firstborn is settled in at college, and I miss him terribly. His wicked sense of humor kept us all in stitches, and our house is pretty quiet without him.


New member
lol...with a lot of love, patience and <insert your choice of alcohol, pill, or herb of choice> :)

That is a very handsome young man you have raised, I am sure he will do wonderfully on his own.


New member
Handsome young man but I'm sure he will be back often. Remember that's what you were supposed to do, raise an independent responsible adult. Good for you.


New member
It's hard Donna, but he's becoming a young man now...and a fine one, thanks to his Momma.

Best of luck Ian! Show your Momma what you're made of! :)


Active member
It's kind of like when you taught him to walk.....................First, you held him up as he tried to move his legs. Then you held his hand, until he wanted do it on his own. And finally, you stepped aside and let him go. Ian's doing a mighty fine job of walking on his own, wouldn't you say? :hugs:


New member
It's amazing, isn't it? It seems like we blinked and our babies are all grown up and starting on their own. Our house is pretty quiet too. Son (23 yrs old) just moved out 4th of July weekend and only gave me like a two week notice. I was not prepared to let him go already!! Now daughter (19 yrs old) moved back to college. I am not ready for this yet!

Good job you have done!


New member
Teaching them to fly and letting them fly solo is one of the hardest things a parent can do. He sure has grown up into a handsome young man. Now give yourself a good pat on the back!!!!