Horrible thing happened on the way drop off daughter at school


New member
This morning on my way to drop off my 9 year old daughter Gretchen to school, we witnessed a small lab mix get hit by a car, the jerk didn't even stop, I got out of the car to see if I could help it, luckily the City Saftey Officer was right there, she and I were able to get the dog into her truck and she got it to the vet, poor puppy should be OK, she was sitting up but it looked like her leg was broken, she wasn't microchipped. Gretchen was so upset, she couldn't believe the person that hit the dog didn't even stop. I stopped by the vet's office and left a donation for the dogs care and my number for them to call me. I just can't get that image out of my mind, I can't imagine hitting a dog and not stopping

Connie w Tuck

New member
People have no heart. A few weeks ago we were on our way to a dog show and on the side of the road was a dead dog with a sign next to it - Free Dog. It made me sick and I still think about that. What is wrong with some people.
Very nice that you stopped and really care.


New member
So sorry, especially for your daughter. I'm glad you were able to help, and give a donation. In my state it's illegal to hit a dog and not stop/report it - did anyone get a license plate?


New member
That is horrible, and I am very very sorry your little girl had to witness something so awful. On a positive note, she did get to witness a GREAT roll model in a parent and was shown that even though some people in this world act without compassion, she doesn't have to be one of them.
Hopefully the pup makes it! keep us posted if you can.

Sue M.

New member
Awwww... poor dog. People can be so ignorant. Although it was a horrible sight to see, I'm glad you were there to help this poor dog get the medical attention she needed.


New member
some people will get their just come uppance some day..I believe that....You are a GREAT roll model for your daughter...cudos...


New member
I just called the vet and he is going to be OK, I had thought it was a girl but it is a little boy, they still have him there and someone else has contacted them about helping with the bills, a store owner came out to see what was going on and they heard where he was being taken and they are donating money to help out also, now hopefully they can find the owner. I am starting to feel better about the world now


New member
That is horrible, and I'm sorry your daughter and you had to witness that. However, you showed her, as well as everyone else that has stepped up, that it's not the norm, and most people will do what is right.


New member
I witnessed a Collie (or some such beautiful dog) get hit by the side of the road over 30 years ago when I was in college and heading home on a 5 hour car ride. The dog leapt up as a station wagon rode by at 55 mph, the dog was instantly killed. I've never forgotten it. It was one of the worst things I've seen in my life. That car full of people who never. even. stopped.

It's been burnt into my memory ever since. I figure someone dumped a Collie into the "prairie" and this poor dog jumped out at a car full of people, hoping someone would help. It's haunted me.

I'll bet this is something you daughter will always retain. So very, very sorry it happened, and bless you for stopping.


New member
One thing your daughter is seeing is that although one individual did something awful, by not stopping to help, several others have stepped in to help with the dog's medical expenses, which sends her the message that although there are some thoughtless/uncaring people out there, the majority of them are caring and good. For one person's bad, there are lots of goods. Unfortunately, people tend to focus on the few negatives instead of the many positives, and here Gretchen has a chance to see the world is a good place full of good people, in spite of the few ugly ones. What you did was so wonderful, to focus on helping the dog instead of catching the hitter, and by sharing with her the kindness of the store owner and animal control person (and others) she will be able to focus on the kindness of people.

R Taft

Active member
I am sorry this happend to you and your Daughter, but thank you for caring...At least there are also a lot of people like us, who do care. hopefully we are the higher %'s
Hopefully the little dog does have a caring owner........Ronnie


New member
Glad to hear the pup is going to be OK.
THe person who hit this poor pup should be locked up & fined!!


New member
That is just WRONG! I am sorry that your daughter had to experience that. I know that my 7 yo would have been very very upset.

Wayne A

New member
some people will get their just come uppance some day..I believe that....You are a GREAT roll model for your daughter...cudos...
I couldn't agree more.Personally I have never hit a dog or cat.But as a small child (very young) I remember my father hitting a dog.Nothing he could do but he was humane & man enough to go and speak with the owner an offer restitution.The owner was a farmer and wouldn't take any.He just said it's one less mouth to feed.But 50 yrs ago that's the way is was and it was so heart breaking .I remember my dad being very upset because the farmer lost his dog and my Dad offered to get him another but he wouldn't let him.My Dad was a very good man with honor and respect for other people and animals.He grew up on a farm.I'll never forget the emotions.