Hey Robyn


New member
I have felt the following:

the newfie lean
the newfie shove
the newfie tackle
the newfie trip

What else is there????????????


Inactive Member
The Newfie Head Butt
The Newfie Dance
The newfie Bath(you've had that in your ear)

The newfie up your ass
The newfie 'I'll lay behind you to make your fall"
The newfie you can still stroke my head even though your hands are full........and list goes on and on...watch this space!!


Active member
Oh you are just asking for it, Robyn!

- The Newfie head butt.
- The Newfie head IN the b--t (what IS it with being goosed all the time!?)
- The Newfie wipe on clean pants (there must be other ways to dry their muzzles, but Nooooooo....)
- The Newfie side-slam (a sideways slide into one's legs, usually the knee)
- The Newfie leash burn (watch those ankles!)

What else...?


Active member
Too funny - we posted some of the same stuff at exactly the same time!


- The Newfie paper weight (20-lb head laying on anything of importance on a table-top, leaving head image in spit).

- The Newfie head on the foot (awwwww) or head on the knee (double awwwww)

- The Newfie shadow ('dogging' your footsteps as you try to prepare dinner)

- The Newfie slurp (out of my coffee cup!)

- The Newf "eye" - that sad, pathetic, I-am-so-deprived look as you try to eat something tasty.


New member
How about the Newfie Door Stop... and not moving so you can get back in the house!!


New member
Yeah, usually in front of the fridge or stove while cooking!
What about the newf running between your legs?


New member
The Newfie draft dodge...blocking the door
The Newfie stair stop...at the foot of the stairs
The Newfie dishwasher...head in the sink, cleaning up the dishes
The Newfie Counter Surf; no place is safe if there's food on it!


New member
The newfie soul-sigh
The newfie bearskin rug
The newfie rotisserie chicken (sleeping upside down and all sprawled out)
The newfie bathroom foot warmer
The newfie interior decorator and furniture mover
The newfie hug (newf's head pressed into your chest)

Nikki - the Newfie Wiggle-Butt Dance is my favorite!

luvxl k 9

New member
The Newfy 'I'm wet so everyone must be too shake'!
Newfy pout (when you leave them at home)
The Newfy impression of locomotives without brakes, running through your house.
The Velcro Newf, I no longer bother even trying to close the bathroom door until they all come in and then if I'm in the smaller one, I can't!


New member
forgot the newfie foot squash!! (yes 100lbs of newfie on your foot hurts!)
yes and when you cant close the door and are using the facilities is when they decide you need your newfie face wash!!


New member
The Newfie "Follow you to the bathroom and offer to be your toilet paper"

Nanook still doesn't understand why I never take him up on that...but he always offers by licking a knee! :eek: My bathroom door downstairs doesn't lock shut when you close it, so almost every human potty break is interrupted by a huge head and shoulder banging the door open. The door crashes into the wall and Nanook muscles in to see what you're doing. He will lie down on the floor in front of you on your feet(although there's barely room for him) until you finish, and then he'll sit up and lick your knee, just in case you need a cleaning crew.



Active member
The Newfie as tracker. When I manage to get downstairs before them and into a room with a door, and they go room to room on a search-and-find mission!


New member
What about the newfy-rise?? The I'll step over you so I don't disturb you, but then you raise your head up AS SOON as you are straddled over the newf.. humh.. sound familiar??



Active member
OMG, I hate the Newfie Rise! It's usually followed by the Newfie Hurt Look - "why did you just yell at me? I just wanted to look at you."

Brody the Newf

New member
The Newfie High Five! Better watch those paws.

The Newfie lunge! I was sitting down reading at the playground and Brody was calmly watching what was going on. A tiny dog got loose and ran to Brody, when I stood up Brody lunged..knocking me on my behind.