Here..she is Token of My Affection. Our second Newf


New member
Lewis probably thinks he's died and gone to heaven. Ms T is beautiful and I'm sure will be a blessed addition to your family. You are going to have so much fun!!!!


New member
I found your other thread and read it! Now I know why the name sounded so familiar! I haven't met your girl, but I have met Michelle and some of her other Newfs! Congrats again!!


New member
She's beautiful Barry!
Lewis is looking as handsome as ever too. Good to see him again.
Just remember..3weeks is the magic number. Right around the 3 week mark you'll see the true personality emerge. You've got yourself a beautiful addition to the family. Thank you for adopting her. I have a feeling that you and your family are going to give her everything she could ever dream of. She's a very lucky girl.

I wonder how long it will be before Lewis teaches her to sit in the middle of the river.
Thanks for the reply Deb and for the heads up about expecting a three adjustment period.

Token and Lewis have the same father who has a very strong water drive. The breeder said Token loves the water. I plan to take them to the lake this weekend and then we're headed up to one of my favorite rivers in N. WI for labor day to relax and sit in the river. Will see if Token shares Lewis and my fondness for standing in the water.


New member
She is gorgeous! She looks so pretty and dainty next to Lewis and his big 'ol handsome head!!

Let's just hope she doesn't share his affection for eating fishing rods. ( that was Lewis, wasn't it?)


New member
She is gorgeous! She looks so pretty and dainty next to Lewis and his big 'ol handsome head!!

Let's just hope she doesn't share his affection for eating fishing rods. ( that was Lewis, wasn't it?)
Yes, it was Lewis who chewed up two fly rods including my favorite rod purchased at a HUGE discount when I last visited LL Bean in Maine. Good thing he's good looking and brilliant!:eek:


New member
Barry, The way I see it you could keep NN in stitches with Lewis's esacapades if you would only get on here more often. Especially now that he has a new partner in crime to teach his skills to.:sunflower:

I love how you call it Lewis's "STRONG WATER DRIVE" Every time I picture that scene up in Estes I start to laugh. I only wish the deck wasn't as high nor rickity or else I would have climbed out and leaned around that darn tree for a picture of that.
Isn't it funny what memories we hold from certain events? There are a couple of you and Lewis that have been with me for over a year now. Especially the one of you chasing him down the path as he headed for the river (for about the 10th time):whistling:
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New member
Huge congrats to you and Sweet T! She is beautiful, and the pic of the two of them together-what a gorgeous pair!