hello :)


New member
Hi everyone!
It has been such a long time since I’ve posted! I have been very busy the past 6 months or so and have gone through a ton of changes.. sold my house, bought a house, moved twice with another move coming up, moved to a new city, looking for a new job and now most importantly and excitedly, have two more dogs in my life.. a newf/retriever and newf for a total of 3 now! My boyfriend Eric and I are a product of our newfies/newf net so you may recognize Tux and Beau already. Anyway I currently only have a recent picture of Sully, and an older picture from my iphone of the three of them on my work computer so here they are. sully is a year and a half now recently neutered and maturing into such a handsome lad J Its not the greatest overall picture of him but I love the look on his face in this pic! Sorry for the bad quality of the pic of all three

Sully up front then Beau and Tux in the back



New member
Aww, a Newf Net love connection! Is there an old thread about this? I'm a total sap for a good love story :p Oh, and hello right back atcha!


New member
Congratulations on your two new additions, they are all beautiful. I don't know how you do it with all of your moves- I'm exhausted just thinking about your moves, lol.