Hello......from Brinks

Brinks' Mom

New member

Brinks wanted to say "hello" and "Happy New Year" to all of you.

He's doing just Great!!!! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!! I call that first picture his "panic look". It's when I'm getting his food ready. He must think I'm gonna forget to give it to him...lol I'm just realizing as I'm typing this that I feel like a kid again running around in the yard with him playing "chase me with stick". My favorite part is when he comes to squeeze himself between my legs and the counter to lay on my feet. It doesn't matter that I have marks all over my hands and arms from the sharp baby teeth or that my husband got a fat lip from Brinks' head flying backward into his mouth and let me not forget to mention the gash I got under my eyebrow from his bottom fang catching me as he tried to play tug a war with my hair. Lots of blood and a nice purple swollen eyelid for 4 days....Nope..none of that matters when compared to all the love, fun and laughs he gives us. By the way....you know how no one believes the dog ate your homework....well try explaining how a puppy could give a black eye and a cut???...lol.

What took me so long to get a newf???? Great FUN!!!!


New member
i feel the same way about simba i dont know what took me so long to get a newfie and when he was 2 month i had a k9 tooth go all the way in my arm and that big foot across your face not so nice eaither but its worth it. he is a pretty puppy.

Brody the Newf

New member
Aw sweet puppy. I see the size difference! It's wonderful that you are enjoying him so much. Life is never boring when you have a Newfie in your home.


New member
Awww Bella has a big time crush on Brinks
He is a super cutie...and he's already grown so much...yikes. You're going to have one handsome teenager on your hands soon...keep those precious pictures coming.


New member
Wow Carmela, I can relate.... Caesar is 9 weeks old and I ready have marks all over my hands and feet from his teeth. I never thought I could fell in love with an animal so quickly. I used to lay on the floor with him until he discovered how fun it is to play tug of war with my hair!! Thank God Caesar hasn't caused any open wounds yet and keep your fingers cross it stays that way. Another one of his favorite games is chasing an ice cube around the kitchen. Everytime he hears the ice maker he's right at your feet wait for a cube to drop. I hate leaving him at home by his self even if it's only for a little while. He loves riding in the car and we found out Lowes, Home Depot, and Sportsmens warehouse allow dogs while your shopping, once he gets all his shots of course.

[ 01-04-2007, 02:24 AM: Message edited by: ltwins82 ]


New member
It sounds like he's quite a character. I'm willing to bet that EVERY newf owner has a "black eye" story to tell...so we would definitely believe it. ;)

Maggie gave me a black eye the morning of the very first Newf Net Get Together in Ohio. I was brushing her, when she suddenly threw her head back and caught me on the cheekbone with that knob on the back of her skull. Wham! I really thought I'd need stitches, but luckily it didn't break the skin...just bruised it.

Good thing we were meeting other newf owners that day. I think they all understood.


New member
Carmela, Renee is right! That look is familiar!

[ 01-04-2007, 09:46 AM: Message edited by: Angus Mac's Mom ]

Brinks' Mom

New member
Thanks everyone for sharing your battle wound stories with me. At least I know I'm not alone...lol

We are having lots of fun with Brinks. It's comedy central around here between the bird, cats and kids and dog....if I don't lose 20 pounds this year it "aint never gonna happen"....
my eye is all healed up but don't you know this morning when I bend down to give him a big morning kiss and hug he put my whole chin in his mouth and now I have a brand new cut to take the place of the other one. No blood this time and all before my first cup of coffee which by the way I now get the pot ready from the night before so I could just turn it on. Somebody is too impatient to wait!!!

I just thought of something fun...I'd like to see a pic of everyone's Newf with that "crazed" look on their face. Is it always when they are waiting for food or a "cookie" with all of you too? It cracks me up everytime I see him do it. RemindS me of the commercial when the dog is running around "BACON...BACON..BACON"...LOL

Brody the Newf

New member
Crazed look

Hmm, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that I have so many of these pictures....

I did find the picture that changed it all. At this picture, Brody went from angel pup into puppy from hell.


Brinks' Mom

New member

I have to say that the last "angel" picture...he looks like he's saying "boy oh boy do I have plans for you"!!!!


New member
Those puppy crazy looks pics are so fun to look at. The angel looks always have us guessing... What is the next prank they figuring out



New member
Brinks is just soooo ADORABLE!!!!!! I'm so happy for him to have you and your family - he's a lucky pup!!