Heavy heart :( Support needed. (Non Newf)


New member
I am so overwhelmed with gratitude for the constant support I receive here! NN is truly an amazing group of loving, understanding, and wonderful people!
Thank you...Thank you....Thank you!!! For the responses, advice and PMs offering support and suggestions. Of course, my feathered friends are being especially cute and "sweet" today- they must sense something is up with me...feeling stressed. I do believe all animals pick up on our feelings- parrots are no exception. I walked in the door after a long shift in the ICU and Sully greeted me with "Hiiiiii Honeeeeyyyy!". Rosie was making a kissing sound and was dancing because she was so excited to see me. I almost burst into tears! Thanks for the help and kind words, support and suggestions. They are all helping! I will continue to pray for clarity in decision making. ;)