HCNC International water rescue camp


New member
I can't begin to describe what an amazing weekend we had with Bettina and Annina. I am fairly certain Rigsby turned from a tadpole on day one to a WRDX dog on day 3. Having never really worked with him due to skin issues last year, he blew me out of the water with how capable and determined he was. Anything I asked of him, he did with a mind of a pure working dog. ALL of us entered can not thank Bettina and Annina enough for their compassion, knowledge, patience, and above all believing in our dogs when we, the owners, didn't believe in them enough. They knew our dogs were capable of things we never dreamed they could do. A few shots so far...photos taken by myself, Melissa Sharp and Lynn Kitch and Mark OConnor

Riggs and I land training

Riggs and his girlfriend Poppin


Riggs towing in a boat with 4 humans and 4 Newfs

A newf doing a 6 person drowner save

A Newf saving his owner, unconscious victim and towing boat full of Newfs and humans


Kate and Marks puppy Daley waiting for his newf friend to pull him in


New member
I have said it already, but it deserves to be said again.... I am so proud of you guys! Both of your boys are simply amazing and you have done well, Mama!!! :)


Active member
Those are incredible pictures! I love Rig's face in the first one. He's like "Geesh, Mom. Have a little faith. I got this!"


New member
Thank you for sharing these :) Rigsby is such a handsome boy and it's so cool to hear how he's progressed. I love the pic of him pulling in the boat. Such determination!


New member
I am thrilled beyond measure seeing all the fantastic pictures coming out of the water trainings and camps, and reading how many ppl and Newfs learned so much, had a great time, advanced exponentially in skills, enjoyed true fellowship and camaraderie, and saw up close and in person what these magnificent lifesaving dogs can do.

Megan my hat is off to you. Your courage and willingness to go out on a limb and explore the previously unknown has resulted in an amazing 3-day event for your club that will propel you forward in creativity, fun, teamwork, and yes titles. You and your two gorgeous furboys are shooting stars in the Newf community constellation.

120 pix up on the High Country Newfoundland Club's facebook page:

I will look at these pictures the rest of my life, uplifted by the joy on all countenances, the full immersion of fun and hard work and progress, the sheer goodness of Newfs doing what they are meant to do.