Happy Gotcha Day River!


New member
I CANNOT believe it has been a year either! From such a sad, sick girl, so such a gorgeous happy love muffin, THANK YOU for giving her the home she deserves!!!!!!!


New member
Very BEST home visit EVER.. River hit the jackpot... so did her Mom and Dad and brother... Now.. if they could just adopt my Muppet.... :shuffle:
Woa! thanks for the double compliment Jen!

Thanks all for the well wishes everyone. River had a full weekend of treats and it continues ;)

I should have mentioned how grateful I am to Newf-Friends. River and I would both be in big trouble without them. River is just one of many (too many) that they have saved.

I'm so lucky I know River's birthday as we now get to celebrate her birthday and our Gotcha Day!
