Happy Birthday Timmy


New member
Today Timmy turns 4! He is just as sweet as he can be. We have just had a quiet day. Timmy is not one to play with toys, but tonight he may find some chicken in his dinner! It will only be for Tim...anytime we give Wilbur any "real food" it does not agree with him (or us for that matter)


New member
happy happy birthday Timmy,enjoy your quiet and special day......those are the best kind..happy 4 yrs old from the 5g's gang( Gunther ,Garrett,Gerik, Glory and Gigi)


New member
Happy Birthday from Luci, Ethel, and Oreo the "Three Stooges, I mean Newfies), Coco, Misti, and Abby the Poms, and Fredia the McCaw.
Oh, and Ted & Judy Too!

[ 08-21-2006, 12:03 AM: Message edited by: Captnted ]