Halloween costumes?


Anyone else planning to dress up their pups this year? (Little red riding hood was AWESOME by the way, and Elvis as a woolly worm was a riot).
Just looking for some more ideas, we are leaning towards bear ears, a cat or a sneech with a star....seems like we could do better than that though. I also love the skunk idea but have no idea what kind of hair spray color would be safe for a newf?


Active member
Haha thanks, but that was just for the parade. On Halloween Elvis just hangs out with me on the stoop, passing out candy and trying to steal my beer bottle.

Jeff in Ottawa

New member
I haven't been too creative over the years. Here's White getting ready for the onslaught last year.

One of my favourites is quite simple. I took a white t-shirt and put it on White and on the back in black marker I wrote "WATCH OUT! I'M A WEREWOLF! I'M A WEREWOLF!" The kids loved it. :)


New member
Echo used to love costumes and had a whole wardrobe, but Moonlight just likes to sit on the porch with me and hand out candy. We go visit the neighbors and that's about it. She's not into dressing up at all.


New member
Millie likes Halloween.. Here she is last year as a Jets fan and the year before as a fairy :) Gosh I miss that puppy!!


Jager's Mom

New member
We did the skunk thing a while back...just used the white hair spray color from the Halloween costume area. It came out as he shook or got petted...so we carried it with us and reapplied.


New member
If I had the time and the know-how, I'd add another puppy head on either side of Loki so he would look like Cerberus. As it is...I'll probably do nothing and then tell people that he's dressed up as a black bear.


Thanks for all the ideas! Love the photos of White in the helmet, Millie - oh my, so cute, and Bear as a butterfly....adorable - wow, Bear really looks like our Tink!
Also that would be hilarious to add heads somehow (thrift store stuffed animals perhaps?) and have your newf dress up as a Cerberus - though if Tink didn't eat the other heads I am sure her brother Hunter would for sure. I will have to look in the Halloween section for the hairspray, love that it just brushes out like that - thanks for the tip!